Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Second Birthday tickers

Friday, April 29, 2011

Easter and My Little Popsicle Eating Fashionista

Our Easter was uneventful but fun. Unfortunately Aidie has been recovering from some digestive issues over the last week or so and we couldn't make the trip to Uncle David's house. That left us with out the mushroom hunt :-( However, we did go have dinner with my parents and Dan's parents (yes we got them all together!). And Aidie had a jolly good time receiving all of the things the Easter Bunny had left at a bunch of different places. Due to all of the rain, we did not go out to hid Easter eggs. We just put them in her basket. I also realized that we didn't have any pictures taken with the Easter Bunny... which I suppose is just as well as a giant rabbit actually seems like a frightening idea for a close encounter with a small child experiencing yet another bout of separation anxiety.Look at her going for the basket as if to say "no way doggy. That's for me!"

Diving right in and going straight for the eggs. Those things look pretty cool...

Mmmm... tasty contents (we opted for healthier alternatives (melts and puffs).

Now for my fashion show pictures. Well, I shouldn't really call it my fashion show, as Aidie selected the wardrobe. So cute. She keeps picking out all of these really adorable things (dresses- so the outfit is pretty simple) and I love it!
Here she is modeling a pink tunic with brown straps and wooden buttons. She is wearing no and is styling a windblown curly hair-do. She is playfully grabbing a video game controller.

Here is modeling her birthday dress. Again, wearing no shoes, but is playing with Mommy's shoe. Today she is styling her hair in a top knot.

This time Aiden chooses to model a jean skirt, coral shirt, pink socks, black patent shoes and a blue hair tie. Pulling this look together in a "you would think I just grab and go wouldn't you?" sort of style. She is holding Mommy's car keys.

I call this the "Get Away" picture. She grabbed my keys. She grabbed my phone. And then she ran over to the trike and started banging away at it. TOO FUNNY!

On another note, we have officially switched pediatricians to one I think will better suit our views and needs. I feel much more comfortable and confident right now and have heard really great things about this one. Here's hoping!
Also, Aidie is having her last week at daycare next week. On top of the fact that my students are dwindling, I just can't stand putting her in daycare anymore. She screams. She cries. And her good days vs. bad days are about 50/50. I just can't do it to her anymore. So I'm going to tutor in the late afternoon/evening right after Dan gets off to compensate. Not having to pay daycare will probably about compensate sadly enough. I figure we will find some play groups, library readings, go to the park, zoo, etc. Hopefully, I will find a job and wherever I do, there will be a daycare/nanny/something that will make her feel more comfortable being away from me.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Birthday Pictures

We had some professional pictures of Aiden taken for her birthday. Dan was a little insulted at first, but I told him I needed some "stress free" pictures taken for Aidie's birthday. Plus it just won't stop raining... We got the best deal ever! Super excited about it all!

These are just a few of the non enhanced ones that we just uploaded... but even so they are still adorable!

Aidie's First Birthday Party!

Sorry it has taken so long for me to post. I feel like we get busier and busier everyday, as Aiden is more and more mobile! We had such a great time at the birthday party. Thank you to everyone who made her party a fantastic memory. I still cannot believe how many people (EVEN WITH ALL HE RAIN!) showed up. I think we had between 35-38 people inside Mark and Kathy's house. And no one got lost! We had such a wonderful time seeing everyone. I hope we can see everyone again before another year has passed! Enjoy the pictures- we have TONS more, but I tried to pick a few highlights! Enjoy :-)
Here is Aidie's birthday cake. We were looking into healthier alternatives and since she didn't take to apple cake, we turned to jello. Thank you for the hysterically clever cake, Kathy!
Here is our little family! Having a fantastic time at Aidie's party!

Hmmm... what do I do about that? To answer that question- let's blow it out together and NOT grab the flame!

Mmmm! Duck is better than cake!

But cake is pretty good too... let's squish it, and maybe put a little in the mouth along the way. My little picky eater!

So, we forgot Aidie's highchair and her booster seat isn't high enough to reach the table. But Dan's lap was. Brave, brave Daddy!

The only child who has ever been more interested in her cards than her gifts. And I thought that I would have to drill that concept into her...

This picture just makes me laugh: Same expression!

And of course she is super excited about the non-toy present. So Funny: Shampoo/Body wash. Thank you Jessie, Jared, Iroh and Bonty for the Earth and body friendly suds. Aidie loves it already!

Of course Aiden took forever to open everything being as she is still practicing the art of unwrapping. So all the kids got antsy and wanted to help. Too cute!

I love this. I really really wanted this potty for Aidie for her birthday. My parents purchased (thanks Mom and Dad!) and the first thing she does is unwrap, climb up and SIT on it. I guess she already knew what to do! LOL!

Speaking of the potty. We have already started potty training. Whenever we go potty we are taking her with us to go as well. She has now peed twice and pooped twice in her little potty! WE ARE SO PROUD!!!

These were the cutest little things. Little floating turtles (I'm a little partial to turtles). Aidie thought they were about as cool as ducks.

Our party ended pretty well on time. It was so nice to see old friends! Aidie was sure to offer everyone something before they left- even if it wasn't a party favor! What a sweet, polite little girl we have!

Other Updates:
- Aidie has had a horrible congestion issue that we are still trying to clear up. We have her on antibiotics again and we are supposed to keep her on it until this clears up, even if it takes refills. Apparently she either has a virus we just can't kick or she is catching cold after cold. However, her poor little nose and sinuses need a rest!
- We have officially moved to the big kid room at daycare. She loves having more freedom to roam! They have activity time and gym time in the bigger room and this is just perfect for her since she needs a little more these days.
-She has really been using the words: moo and fish: lately and dolphins are officially "mammals". So funny!
-Aidie now knows her nose, belly, ear and foot and is working on finding everyone else's too!
- Aidie is constantly bringing us book after book to read. She'll pick one up and carry it over to one of us and may all Hell break loose if we don't read it right away!
-Mommy is looking for a teaching position. So if you know of any let us know please!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011


It has been so busy this past week, that I have not had hardly any time to write. I have actually taken every spare minute over the past couple of days just to upload these pictures. Wow! We have had our hands full with everything.
Our baby is officially ONE YEAR OLD! It has been an amazing year! I can't believe it has gone by so incredibly quickly. Today, one year ago, we came home from the hospital with our little girl and were so supported by friends and family while we learned to be parents (still learning!). I thought this day would never come. Just like I thought she would never be awake longer than a few hours every day, roll over, crawl, walk or talk, or grow out of her newborn clothes!
So since it is Aidie's birthday week (we will have more post after tomorrow's PARTY!) I thought I would put in some fun bits about Aidie that we are always being asked:
1. How did she get her name: Daniel and Justin discussed creating a video game and in the story premise there was a girl named Aiden. I LOVED THAT NAME! So ever since hearing it, I told Dan that if/when we had a little girl that would be her name. Ryelle- Dan and I love the Abhorsen Trilogy and there is a random character with that name. It stuck. I loved it. End of name story. We also considered: Jerusalem Dawn. I have an obsession with city names...
2. Does she sing yet: YES. Mostly in the car. But randomly we will hear her singing "lalala" to herself in a melodic sort of way. Very cute.
3. How many words can she say: That is very difficult. She recently participated in a psychology experiment concerning reactions to parental choices and I had to select each word that she could say from an extensive list. From this I have gathered that she can say at least 25+ words. Her most recent word she learned today: Mammal. I know it sounds incredible, but it's true. My mother showed her a picture of a dolphin and we told her it was a mammal and she said mammal. What can I say... She is kind of exceptional...
4. Where does she get those pretty eyes and hair from: Daddy. Strictly Daddy.
5. How big is she: 29 in. long (75%), 19lbs. 13oz (25%), 44cm head (>25%)
6. Latest achievements: walking, climbing onto the chest in our room. Walking down stairs with assistance, washing her toys, trying to dress herself (no go, but she tries), brushing hair and teeth!
7: Teeth: 6
8. How advanced is she: We are at 21month status as of right now. We will now be working on stacking three blocks, running, and dressing ourself.
9. Are we having more: NO! Even if we changed our minds (which is an occasional conversation) Aiden does not like this idea one little bit and she would have to be somewhat on board.

Now for some fun pictures. Enjoy!

See how tall I am!

Cheerleader pose

Tasty shark!

We have mastered the sippy!

Birthday girl having her birthday breakfast

Birthday girl having her favorite birthday dinner- green beans and jello... the best!

Birthday jammy time!

And of course presents. If you had presents sent to our house. We opened them on her real birthday. Enjoy the pictures.

Ribbon is so fun!

Trying out her new couch.

Mommy and Daddy made a book for Aidie of her family. She loves it!

Thank you for the gifts Auntie Ellen and Uncle Biruk! We love books and chewable toys! The wall appliques will be a nice addition too :-)

Cainy likes the couch too!

Yay for snack cups! Thank you Ella! - We got the height chart later... Thanks for that too! We love it!

This pic just makes me laugh. It looks like the exercise ball is coming through the air, but it's actually stuck between the laundry basket and the book shelf.

Here are Daddy and Aidie having some fun!

Can't wait for the party tomorrow (will post Aidie birthday pics with that post!). Post again soon!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Happy Birthday Aiden!

Today my little girl turns one year old. I can hardly believe it. It has been such a busy day and went by way too quickly (so no pictures until tomorrow!). But we have had a good time. Aiden had a good day at daycare, we had birthday pictures taken (so CUTE!) and we opened lots of birthday presents- if you sent them to the house, Aidie opened, enjoyed and was recorded- we will post soon!
At this time 1 year ago I was waiting to hear if I was going to have to have a C-Section or not. I hadn't even started pushing yet! Wow! Aiden would be born an hour later. The biggest blessing of my life. Every day is more amazing than the day before and I am sure this coming year will be an even bigger adventure than these past 365 days have been. I can't wait to see what it brings to us. More post tomorrow. For now: BED!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Aidie... Where's your belly?

Here it is!
Aiden has had the best time showing off her belly over the past several weeks. It is so cute to watch her pat her tummy or raise up her shirt and give a big smile. She has gotten so good at finding her own belly, she decided to move on to other bellies...
Like Daddy's, for instance!
Now we are comparing bellies. See my belly, Daddy! Well, since you asked ;-)

We have also mastered the sippy cup. We are only taking a bottle before bed now. What a big girl! I am so unbelievably proud. Not even a fuss about it until this morning... and we found out today that she has an ear infection and a sore throat. No wonder this poor kid hasn't been eating, drinking and is super clingy :( We are on antibiotics for the first time ever, which I suppose is lucky, as she is not quite a year old. Hopefully this all ends soon and we have our happy, healthy little girl back in time for her birthday!
On another adorable note: Aidie now lays down and cuddles with whatever she can find whenever she feels sleepy. Fantastic cue for Momma and Daddy on nap and bedtime!

And for a final viewing pleasure. Here is Miss Aidie doing her walking. Boy is she really going. She now carries toys and she even brought me a book to read her today. WHICH MEANS: She only has 1 more goal to meet before she finishes her 18-24 month goals. Boy is she whipping through them!