Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Second Birthday tickers

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

The Robinson Wedding and Some Really Great News!

 We had such a fun time at Wes and Lauren's wedding a couple of weeks ago. Aiden loved dancing with all the other kids and, of course, Wes and Lauren. Aiden also thought it was awesome that they had a green candy bar. We had WAY TOO MANY gummi bears. Congrats Wes and Lauren!
Yet another princess for Aidie to admire. She cannot stop talking about all the people she knows who are married and trying to convince me that she is marrying daddy... Oh it has started. LOL.

That last set of pictures is SO funny. They tried to hard to sink the point and they finally got it. Too cute. I am pretty sure that Wes and Lauren would steal our daughter if we turned our backs too long. Good thing Aidie adores them!
As for some super good news: I FINALLY LANDED A TEACHING POSITION! I will be teaching 2nd grade at Staunton Elementary! Yippee!