Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Second Birthday tickers

Monday, April 26, 2010

Saturday's Weight Check

Yay! We are finally gaining some weight! Aiden weighed in at 7lbs. 1/2oz on Saturday's visit to the doctor! Yippee! Supplementing seems to be doing the trick. I can't believe she gained 5.5oz in two days!!! Maybe we'll have a roly poly baby before long... it's how babies are supposed to be!
Aiden is definitely enthusiastic about the change in the eating situation. She is eating SO much. I am nursing at every other feeding (as that is all my supply will really allow for) and she is still taking 1-3.5 oz afterward. She is apparently as determined to gain weight as I am to put it on her.
I was a little worried that she may start preferring the bottle, being as the food is more readily available through that source, but she still always turns to nurse regardless of whether it is bottle or booby time (as every one has begun to affectionately call it!). It definitely makes me feel loved and wanted and DEFINITELY Makes me feel better about not producing enough. She wants me anyway :-)
As for development: Aiden is now lifting her head fairly well (although not holding it up for very long yet). She is also rolling to her side and looking for voices and sounds. She is definitely focusing better and mimicking us! My mom was making faces at her last night and Aiden started to make them back. Totally made her night!
We have had a good weekend with many out-of-towners stopping by. I didn't think I would be up for any kind of company, but it worked out. With Aiden adapting so well to the new feeding regime, I think we'll be ready to be out in the world in no time. Unfortunately this doesn't make talking on the phone any easier- sorry to everyone who never received a call back, got cut off, or cut short. Unless she's sleeping or Dan is home, talking on the phone is IMPOSSIBLE! Hopefully that will get better soon ;-)
The weight loss front is moving along amazingly! I have already lost 23lbs!!! I'm hoping that this rapid weightloss will either keep up, or give me a jump start into losing the weight that I wish I had lost before becoming pregnant. I only have 4lbs left to get back to pre-preggo weight, but many more after that to get down to what I would consider a comfortable, healthy weight.
Onto baby pictures!Out for a walk

Always a hand in the face/mouth

I'm so glad she got Dan's nose!

Caina standing guard

Off to an outing

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Aiden's Check Up

Good news and bad news:
We went to see the lactation consultant today to see about Aiden's weight gain and tips for breastfeeding. As of today Aiden is still weighing in at 6lbs 11oz. So no weight gain, which is worrying. The lactation consultant monitored me while we nursed to make sure that Aiden is getting a proper latch, swallowing, etc. From what she saw, she seems to be doing everything the right way, as am I. So we aren't really sure what's wrong. The lactation consultant thinks that Aiden may be using up too much energy (and, thus, too many calories) by nursing. So I am going to start supplementing her feedings by pumping. This way I can nurse her for 20min and then feed her by bottle about an oz or so until she is full. The lactation consultant said that she expects a full turn around within a week. Hopefully we can get Aiden gaining weight and then we won't have to worry about pumping unless we want to do so.
I'm trying to be positive. This will give Dan a chance to bond with her during feeding times and will also help with transition to bottle later when I start my student teaching. I just hope this works and I won't have to use formula or donor milk...
For now, some pictures!Finally a picture of Aiden with her Grandpa Wisley!

Aiden's first bath at home- her umbilical cord fell off right away, so we didn't have to worry about sponge bathing.

Cuddling with daddy

Caina is definitely the little mommy dog. She thinks we brought Aiden home just for her :-)

Such tiny hands!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Aiden Updates!

Since Aiden's birth we have been so busy that my first time I was able to blog was yesterday. We had so many visitors at the hospital that all of what would have been my down time, was not. Not that I'm not appreciative of the company. We are so thankful that there are so many people who are excited and love Aiden (and us). That's just why I haven't had much time. Being home means that I'm trying to do some things around the house while trying to figure out how to be a mom. It has definitely been a whirlwind! But it's very exciting!
As for since Aiden's birth: We had her first doctor appointment last Friday. She weighed 6lbs. 10oz. was measured at 19 3/8in (I know it is weird that she seems to have shrunk, but the nurse said it's normal for measurements to be off a little), and her head measured at 34cm. While it's normal for her to drop almost a pound, she has been having trouble gaining it back. We had to go back to the doctor yesterday because Aiden had not had any bowel movements in two days and then all of a sudden had FIVE in under five minutes (talk about being afraid your daughter's intestines will come out!). The after hours nurse said to watch for dehydration, and because she hadn't eaten for more than 20min in a 12hr. time period by the next day, we had to take her for a check. She had gone up an ounce, now 6lbs. 11oz. but that isn't enough to make everybody feel good about it. SO... we are going back to the doctor on Thursday to meet with a lactation consultant to make sure Aiden and I are getting the hang of breastfeeding and that Aiden is pottying regularly and finally gaining weight like she needs to do. She is still so tiny!
That being said, we had a great day yesterday and so far today! She and I worked really hard on the breastfeeding and I think we are doing well. She is eating less often, but more regularly. This is supposed to be a good sign- every two to three hours for 5- 60 min. She had five wet diapers and finally had a transition to breastfed poopy diaper! Yippee! You would never expect a parent to be excited about poop, but when there's an issue, you can't help but be happy that it is resolving itself. She also only woke once last night to nurse- right at her four hour mark. So hopefully this pattern will keep up!
She has also been staying awake much more than she used to. We are finally having a chance to spend time with her awake side! She is such a funny, beautiful, and interested little girl. She is now tracking things and can find who is talking to her and look at them. She is also starting to focus on objects farther from her than before. She has taken an interest in the toys on her bouncy seat- not reaching for them yet, but she is focusing on them. She is smiling (my crooked smile!) and laughing the cutest little laugh I have ever heard. I know that it probably isn't reactionary at this point, but the other day it seemed like it was. I was trying to nurse her at my parents' house and was using a blanket to cover up. Both of us were under the blanket trying to get situated and the blanket kept falling off of my head and onto hers. Every time this happened she laughed! I know the experts say babies don't have reactionary laughs until later, but I swear she is starting a little early. Either way, it was SUPER CUTE!
Other notes: She definitely likes to "talk" to us already. She makes lots of cute baby sounds and we just love it.
She is also in love with her hands. When she feels she has nothing better to do, or would like to nurse, she sucks on them. Which is so endearing, especially since she came out of the womb that way. As soon as she had a free hand, it was in her mouth! Pretty well instantaneous!
In regards to me: I HAVE LOST 18 LBS. AS OF TODAY!!! YIPPEE!!!
Well, we are off to Nashville today! It's supposed to be nice out and we could stand to rid ourselves of cabin fever. I'll have to post pictures of that later. For now enjoy the pictures from out time at the hospital and I'll try to get newer ones uploaded SOON!

Monday, April 19, 2010

Aiden's Birth Story

On April 12, 2010 Dan and I loaded up the car with all of our hospital bags and set off for an 8 o'clock induction (we did quite a bit of ridiculous videotaping on the way!). At 9:20, the nurse, Becky, did my check and determined that I was 4- 41/2 cm dilated, 90% effaced, -1 station, ripe, positioned, and ready to go! She also couldn't feel much of a bag of water, which means I must have been leaking some that week. We called our parents afterward to inform them that we would be starting the induction in an hour and a half (Dr. Wood was in surgery at the time). Dr. Wood broke my water at 10:30 since I was already far enough along. I started contracting about 20min. later which of course made me gush amniotic fluid every time (completely gross feeling by the way!). The water was clear- a good sign. Dr. Wood and my nurses got a kick out of my being grossed out by my water breaking. I'm kind of glad my parents didn't show up until later, because this was quite humiliating, even if it is perfectly natural. I was very thankful for the great medical staff. Contractions started and were painful but manageable for the first 40min. After that, they picked up speed and intensity very quickly. By the end of my first hour, I was not getting any breaks from the contractions. I would have a small contraction that I could focus my breathing techniques on, but would start a big contraction immediately afterward. These were so bad by the end that I was silently begging for death, as I couldn't breathe let alone speak. Dan said I reminded him somewhat of a scared cat- bulging eyes, shaking. Apparently my concentration would not be broken. I was finally able to communicate enough to say that I needed an epidural. So after 3hours of monsterous contractions, I was relieved. So much for that natural birth I was picturing. Apparently I was dilating a cm. an hour (probably the reason for the sudden intense contractions). So I was at 7cm. and 100% effaced when I got the epidural. At 4:45, I was at 9.5cm, 0 station, but I didn't progress by the end of hour like they had hoped. In fact, I had not progressed AND Aiden had flipped herself around backwards. So we waited and I was flipped from side to side in the hopes that she would turn back around and I would finish dilating. Finally, at 10pm, I got to start pushing. Although Aiden hadn't turned all the way around, she did some and I had finished dilating. Crazy as it may seem, 33min later little Aiden was caught by an unsuspecting doctor, who hadn't quite finished clearing baby's air passage. I can't believe it went so quickly. Those kegels must really do the trick! I did have a second degree tear, but it's healing fine. I don't even have to take the Loritab anymore!
Little Aiden was born at 10:33 while we watched via a mirror, which I didn't normally intend to have, but I'm so glad that I did. It was the perfect focal point. It made me realize that I could do anything just to see her. She had tons of dark curly hair, weighed 7lbs, 6oz and was 19.5 inches long. She is absolutely beautiful and looks exactly like Dan only with my face shape. So with little Aiden entering the world, there were lots of smiles, tears and tons of people to great her. We are so blessed to have so many people who love her already!
Unfortunately for them, Aiden decided that she wanted to nurse for an hour and a half after getting cleaned up. So no one really got to see her until after 1am! We have some great friends and family for sticking around so late! Little Aiden was greeted by mommy, daddy, Grammy and Grampa King, Grandma and Grandpa Wisley, Uncle John, Uncle Matt, Lilly, Jim, Mike, and Erin. Justin stopped in earlier, but missed the birth. We were able to introduce Aiden to so many more friends and family over the next couple of days. Thank you everyone who stopped by to visit. Aiden may not remember, but we always will.
We got to move over to post partum around 3am and she slept really well (2, 3 and 4 hr. stretches!). We had our physical check with Dr. Laughlin at 7:30am that morning. Dan went with her since I still couldn't move around very well. She was pronounced a very healthy little girl.
Now we're home and figuring out how to be parents! It's quite an adventure by we are loving it. Dan said the sweetest thing the other night. He said that a lot of people think about how they have to get up in the middle of the night, have to change dirty diapers, have to breastfeed and become horribly sore. But we get to do these things. It's such a special time and getting to be a part of it is amazing!
Now she's a week old! She weighs 6lbs, 10oz. and is finally figuring out breastfeeding (along with myself). We made a trip to the doctor today after a horrible pooping session and a 12hr refusal to eat. She's finally eating normally and hopefully her diapers will follow suit. We have an appointment to see the lactation consultant on Thursday for some extra help in that department. Hopefully all will go smoothly and we'll get her weight up to where everyone feels comfortable.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

It's just about time...

Well, this is our last night as free adults (sort of. Not like we haven't been caring for her for nine months already!). Tomorrow we will be arriving at the hospital at 7:30am tomorrow morning to start the Aiden's birth journey! I can't believe it is already here. It seems like only yesterday I peed on that stick and it said, "Well yeah you're pregnant. Why else are you up at 3am to pee?". It is so exciting and so scary at the same time. I never found the idea of labor frightening until now. I think the nerves come from this being somewhat unnatural. I was really hoping Aiden would come on her own, but we tried everything and she's just not coming out. I have a feeling she would have to have a nudge if we went now or if we waited two weeks. She has definitely been putting a lot more pressure on my cervix. I haven't been able to sit straight down all evening. I think she must know that it's time. Maybe she will be a really intuitive child, very stubborn, but intuitive.
The only things we have left to unpack now are pictures and knick-knacks. So we are officially moved in and just decorating now :-) This makes me feel so much better. We have completely finished Aiden's room, complete with pictures. It is so adorable and I can't wait for her to take up occupancy in it (and not in my uterus!).
As I mentioned, we will be heading to the hospital around 7am and arriving at 7:30. They will be monitoring me and doing an exam to determine whether they would rather start me on Pitocin or break my water. I'm sort of hoping they will decide to break my water, as I'm hoping to do this whole thing drug free. Keeping my options open of course, but it never hurts to attempt. We are calling the grandparents when we know when the actual induction will start and then we begin. Everyone should be getting calls via the calling tree some time after that. People are welcome to come to the hospital whenever, but I would caution you to call first. We won't be admitting anyone to the room (excluding grandparents) once we are in the full swing of contractions. This is for your safety. From what I hear, women in labor are violent and I'm sure I will regret killing my loved ones after I have come back to my senses. If you don't get through on the phone, please feel free to leave a message and we'll do our best to have someone get back to you.
We will have someone in charge of the video camera (and digital camera), as we are hoping to have personal messages to Aiden recorded by all of her loving family and friends who stop by. I'm sure she will love seeing this later and I know that it would make Dan and I so happy to have all of you as involved as we can have you be. This is one way we are hoping to do this. So please don't leave before sharing in this project! It would mean so much to us!
As for my feelings at this time: Despite all of the reassurances, I am absolutely terrified. I have never been a fan of doing something when I don't know what I'm getting into. So this is a very big deal for me in the realm of willingly stepping out into the unknown. I think I'm most afraid because I'm not sure if the contractions will start gradually (letting me build up to them) or just hit head on. Different women say different things. So there's no way to know for sure. I'm also nervous for Dan. He's been more concerned and protective since I've been pregnant and I know it's going to be hard for him to see me in so much pain. I'm also concerned about difficulties (c-sections in particular). They run in my family and, although I'm not at increased risk because I'm so far along already, I'm concerned about that suddenly being necessary. I'm sure that that is rather irrational, but I just can't help worrying about every little thing. I'm sure once we get going, I won't be thinking about any of this, but tonight it is definitely preoccupying my thoughts.
Well, to leave with some good thoughts- Either tomorrow or very early Tuesday we will have our beautiful little girl and I just can't wait to meet her! I'm so excited to begin this whole experience and I'm so lucky to have such a wonderful man to journey it with me. Thank you to all of you for your good thoughts and prayers. We really appreciate it and can't wait to introduce you to Aiden!
Now for some belly pictures:

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Week 39 We're Almost There!!!

I can't believe that we will be meeting our little girl on Monday... Oh did I not mention? Like it or not this child is exiting on or before my due date, doctor's suggestion (I didn't even ask!). My body is SO ready for delivery that Dr. Wood suggested we schedule an induction. She said she usually has mothers (and fathers) begging for inductions before they are anywhere near as far along as I am. She said that on the Bishop scale (what they use to determine labor readiness and includes dilation, effacement, ripeness and cervix position) I am EXCELLENT. She said that she had never seen a cervix as good as mine go for so long. SO... induction here we come. She said she would be surprised if we made it to Monday for the induction, but she's still not here. So I think she is determined to wait as long as possible. Dr. Wood said that she would have been fine inducing us on Wednesday, but seeing as we had some unfortunate events to take part in, we decided waiting until Monday would be best. ---We will definitely miss Aunt Rhea Dawn, but we know that she'll be smiling down and enjoying Aiden wrapped up in her little bunny quilt from heaven. ---
So as for those statistics I've been hinting at: I am about as ready as can be. I am 80% effaced, 3.5cm dilated, Very ripe and perfectly positioned. You can't get much better than me in the terms of labor readiness... which probably accounts for my daily contractions and cramping. Ugh! I will just be glad to have that over with. The doctors seem to agree that Aiden is about 7.5 lbs. Of course that's not an exact science by any means. She could be anywhere from 6-8lbs. I guess it will have to be a surprise.

Warning TMI to come:
As we all know that a natural induction would be preferable, Dan and I have a whole list of things to try to get this party started before Monday.
-I've got some raspberry tea (doctor recommended) to try out tonight. I'm not a fan of tea, but raspberry doesn't sound too bad.
-Everyone and their brother (including my doctor) has suggested sex as it seems to be the most effective... Mom, if you're reading this, don't think anything of it. In fact, just remember: I'm still a virgin. Your grandchild was artificially inseminated into my womb. In fact, I'm not even actually pregnant. I'm just pretending while Aiden is being grown in a test tube. There. Bases covered.
-Long walks. These have definitely made me uncomfortable, but no contractions to speak of. But I will keep trying. I'm told these help the real ones to regulate and the fake ones to disappear. So I guess if any of these other methods start contractions, I'll go for a long walk to see if they'll stick around.
-Massage and acupressure. These sound GREAT to me, as my whole body has been super sore and achy anyway. I figure... even if this one doesn't work, it's a great excuse for some more pampering. Did I mention I have the world's greatest husband!?!
If any of you moms have other suggestions, feel free to pass them along. I'm all ears!
As for other things:
We are now all moved into our new townhouse in Gosport. We love our little place and it is at least 100sq.ft. bigger than our flat was. We are getting things put away and have the bedrooms almost done. The living room and kitchen still need a little work though... but we are getting there. And aside from have a couple very interesting neighbors and some mouthy teenagers in the area, which I guess you have to expect in Gosport, our complex is pretty nice. We even have a first responder for the fire dept. living next door. So if I have an emergency, I have emergency personnel close by!
Well, as I am tired, cranky and swollen, I'm not posting pictures tonight. We'll be taking plenty soon of the new place, Aiden's room and inevitably my stomach. So don't worry. You will get to see me in all of my swollen, sweaty glory soon ;-)

*When is your due date? April 12, 2010! Officially. She will be out by then or ELSE!

*What week are you in? 39 weeks

*How much weight have you gained? +27 lbs. Yes. I have bypassed my target weight. Why you ask? Water retention. If it could die, I would torture it and all of it's progeny until long awaited death arrived. If you can't tell, I'm feeling a little resentful.

*Do you know the gender of your baby? If so, what? Monday brings our beautiful baby GIRL!

*Do you have a name picked out? What? Aiden (little fire) Ryelle (rye hill) Wisley (gardens). If that last one surprises you, it did me too. Just found that out at Rhea Dawn's funeral.

*Maternity clothes? I will not wear pants until Tibet is free... or at least until Aiden arrives.

*Stretch Marks? Disgust me

*How are you feeling right about now? Kind of nervous about the induction (even though they do seem to run in my family... right along with c-sections...).

*Have you felt the baby move? I can now find her toes which if funny to see when she stretches and still hurts quite badly.

*Sleep habits? Not applicable

*Any food cravings? Not really... but fruit is REALLY satisfying

*Anything you loved before that you absolutely cannot eat anymore? Cucumbers still terrify me, as do pickles and spinach.

*Memorable Moment of the Week: Induction schedule!!! Oh! And meeting little miss Ella Lynn! Cutest child EVER by the way (I only have a few more days I am allowed to say that. So I might as well squeeze it in!) :-)

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Week 38

Well, this has been an eventful week. We are finally moving into our new place tomorrow! We are definitely excited. It's a bit bigger than our place now, less money and closer to our parents. Fortunately (or unfortunately... I'm not sure yet), Aiden has decided to postpone her uterine departure. SO... we are hoping to get her room set up ASAP so that it will be ready for her when she gets here.
As for pregnancy news, we had another appointment this morning. Dr. Cook said that I looked about the same and that we'll just keep having these appointments until she decides to show up. Her heartbeat sounded good and she is measuring up EXTREMELY well. He guesstimated that she is about 7 1/2 lbs already! So please Aiden, for the love of my body, please come out on Sunday like my mother is predicting. I just don't think I can deliver a baby much bigger than that. She is my first one after all... it's not like I've had practice at this!
In regards to me, I've been feeling a bit under the weather lately. The doctor thinks it is being brought on by all of the acid reflux, which doesn't surprise me one bit. I have also stopped gaining weight. This will be something like three weeks now that I haven't gained weight. Yippee! I'm staying in my bracket! Hopefully this doesn't curse me and cause me to gain five pounds in a week.
Dan has been super sentimental lately. Every time he sees a baby he is all lovesick. He actually sat down with me and went through all (and I mean ALL) of her baby clothes the other night. He's also been leaving a shirt of his in her crib so that it will smell like him for her first nights sleeping there and she'll find it comforting. And even more is that he keeps looking at me with all of this fondness and telling me how beautiful I am and kissing my belly. If it isn't clear already, he is going to be the world's best father. Thank goodness I have him. I can't seem to get my hormones to settle and he's been SO good. At least I've been able to feel my angry spurts coming on lately. So I've been able to warn him. But it's still been rough. He's bearing my craziness like a champ.
*When is your due date? April 12, 2010, and it can't come soon enough... How does Easter sound Aiden?

*What week are you in? 38 weeks

*How much weight have you gained? +23lbs

*Do you know the gender of your baby? If so, what? A baby girl!

*Do you have a name picked out? What? Aiden Ryelle

*Maternity clothes? Oof. It's hard to get myself into ANYTHING these days...

*Stretch Marks?Fading finally

*How are you feeling right about now? Better now that I'm not driving, but really tired with all of the moving

*Have you felt the baby move? And it HURTS. She's getting too big!

*Sleep habits? Laying on my side hurts, laying on my back hurts, sitting up hurts, etc.

*Any food cravings? Turkey sandwiches

*Anything you loved before that you absolutely cannot eat anymore? Not really

*Memorable Moment of the Week: MOVING IN!!!