Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Second Birthday tickers

Thursday, March 30, 2017

Woohoo! Spring break!

We didn't take a vacation this time- saving that for June- but we did still have some fun!

Wonderlab! All the best parts of a museum in a smaller area. Aiden loved manipulating shadows and Annie loved the lizards. This little guy got a lot of attention ⬇️

Dan built and hung out pot rack! I'm so excited. I have such a handsome, handy man!

 Thanks for inviting us to tea, chey! We had a fabulous time creating beniets and socializing in our finest

Sunday, March 26, 2017

Dr. Who makes our family even better

Annie loves to kiss adipose. If she mysteriously vanishes, we can usually find her curled up and loving on the little guy.

Beauty and the Beast

Was absolutely wonderful. Thank you Disney for a great live action adaptation! Aiden dressed up as a princess and even won a drawing before the show. It was a big night!

Awards Day

Congratulations, Aidie! Straight A's- even if spelling makes her a nervous wreck- and the only one in her class to have perfect attendance. Keep it up!

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Poodle Skirt Mania

The Spring music program was a HIT! All the kids were absolutely adorable and Aidie-girl just knocked the socks right out of the sock hop! She had so much fun singing and dancing! What a great way to spend an evening with friends, family, my hooligans and a bunch of random strangers.

Monday, March 20, 2017

Happy Spring!

Thank goodness for a return to spring! March 20th came complete with warmth, thunderstorms and a round of illness (mine-bleh!). While Aidie faithfully followed me from school to doctor and back to school again, Miss Annie enjoyed some outdoor fun with daddy!

Saturday, March 18, 2017

Leprechaun's Day

It drives Dan crazy, but I think it's adorable and perfectly suited to a child's mind- Aiden never calls St. Patrick's Day by its name. She insists she knows the really name of the holiday but likes Leprechaun's Day much better. Our holiday was green, rainy, and kind of sickly on my end, but the family leprechaun visited just the same and left coins and goodies for our little mischief makers.

Valentine's Day 2017

Dan and I have always agreed that we are pretty amazing at marriage. So when it comes to Valentine's Day, we like to branch out and spend that time with our girls and friends too. Live the love!

Circuses are not my thing

Said my rather grumpy 6-year-old on our way home that night. As an added mention- circuses are not  my "thing" either- considering all the animal cruelty issues that are connected with these traveling fairs. However, this one was small, run by Shriners, and okayed  by the school system. The girls had never been, so I thought we'd give it a go. Aiden said camel and elephant rides were too bumpy and the lack of death defying acts was disappointing (my interpretation, as she only enjoyed the caged motorcyclists that made all my mother instincts seize up with terror). Annie, however, loved the elephants. I mean LOVED them! She stood at the rope the entire intermission just to watch them walk around. I wasn't willing to let her touch or ride, considering she's not yet two (imagine an elephant getting yanked on. Can anyone say circus emergency fast enough!?!), but she was mesmerized by them. The zoo is going to be fun this year!

Monday, March 6, 2017

It's been a while... a few years, I suppose...

A lot has happened over the last few years. We moved in with my in-laws in February of 2013 and in February of 2014 we purchased our wonderful home! We've had wonderful days and a new wisling since then! Onward to memories:

Maple syrup day at the wisleys was great fun! Lots of friends and tasty syrup makings!