Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Second Birthday tickers

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Update since yesterday!

Dan got to feel his first kick last night at about 10:30! So no more of his feeling completely uninvolved. He said he wasn't even sure he felt it at first because it was such a light push against his hand. Fortunately the baby kept at it. So he was pretty sure after a couple of kicks that he was really feeling his baby moving in there :-) Yay!


  1. 2 things, 1: That is SO awesome that Daniel got to feel it finally! Isn't it amazing, but Brad was so freaked out the first time. Haha.
    And 2: I just bought this stuff called Bio-Oil last night at WalMart that I have heard actually works on reducing the appearance of current stretch marks and at reducing the number that appear during pregnancy. Even if it doesn't work it smells amazing and is quite a relaxing scent. =)

  2. I will have to try it! Thanks for the tip.

  3. Hope your appointment went well yesterday and the little one cooperated! Can't wait to hear from my family tomorrow to find out what you're having! Happy Thanksgiving! Wish I could be there!

  4. We definitely missed you, but look forward to seeing you and little Ella in May!
