Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Second Birthday tickers

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Yay for a bookshelf!

So my wonderful husband has spent last night and this past afternoon purging the backroom (soon to be nursery) of all the random junk that has accumulated over the years. After finding a little more room than there once was, we were able to put Aiden's new shelf together! It's in a natural finish. So it will match all of her other furniture and is really big! This means lots of storage space for stuffed animals, toys, and books!!! I'm really excited that we have something put together, even if we still have a long way to go. And not to worry... we've already had the "your star wars stuff is not staying there" conversation.

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Week 24 and a very merry Christmas!

Caina and "Mr. Roper"

Christmas morning at the Wisley homestead

Photo Carousel for Aiden's room featuring Dan's photography

This has definitely been a very busy week! Now that Christmas is officially over, I have a second to sit down and blog a bit. It has been so nice to get together with everyone, even if it was just for a few minutes (Sorry Grandma Wisley!). It just left me with no time for updates. Well, here we go:
I went to the doctor earlier this week because I've been suffering from some massive congestion that just would not go away. The doctor said it seemed to be viral, and I think she was right as I feel pretty good now without medication. During the appointment, I had a sonogram to check up on Aiden and BOY! Was she MOVING! All we could here for the first bit of the sonogram was this swoosh swoosh of her twisting, turning, somersaulting, kicking, punching action! When the doctor finally heard the heartbeat, it seemed almost masked by all the other noise from little Aiden, busybody! It was so incredible to be able to hear her moving around in there. She was pretty quite at our last sonogram, so this was a complete change. Poor Dan! I just thought this would be a quick diagnosis of my symptoms and out. So he was at work through it all :-( Hopefully she'll be up for another show when we go back on January 12th!
Speaking of performances, she was finally up for letting the grandmas feel a kick or two. My poor mother has been trying for weeks to get a kick out of Aiden and every time she puts her hand on my stomach, she stops moving. Stubborn child on the way? It's a definite possibility! Well, she finally went a major kicking spree yesterday and Grammy got to feel! Dan's mom got to feel quite a bit too, as we were over at Dan's parent's house in the early morning (that and evening are her most active times). So Kathy got to feel some good kicks!
Aiden has definitely been on the move and experimenting with lots of new positions. She likes to try the head down position when I'm walking around. This makes me nearly double over, but I'm not really sure why; it doesn't hurt. I can straighten myself back up, but it's so much pressure that I'm not used to feeling. It makes it difficult to compensate sometimes.
As for the excitement of the holidays: We have apparently found our calling in the candy-making business. Since we were broke, we decided on homemade gifts this year. The chocolate covered cherries, especially, were a big hit! I guess we know what to do next year.
As for our generous relatives: Thank you to Mum and Daddy for our new crib! What a fabulous surprise after all of the gifts were opened! I can't wait to get it all set up!
Thanks to my brother John we now have a new bookcase for Aiden's room, which we DESPERATELY needed. Our other two are full and overflowing. I've been having to store books in empty drawers about the house. Now all of our kids books can find their way into Aiden's room!
Thank you to Mark and Kathy who not only got us a sewing machine, which I am greatly anticipating trying my hand at (I can't wait to make some curtains, quilt, etc. for Aiden!), but also a video camera so we can catch all of Aiden's first and later moments.
And last but not least a special "Thank you" to Matt for the book on telling us how Not to screw up our daughter (even though it will probably happen anyway).
We have such a generous family! We will definitely be well prepared for Aiden when she gets here! Only 3 1/2 more months! Happy Holidays everyone!

Belly Pictures for this week:

*When is your due date? April 12, 2010

*What week are
you in? 24 weeks

*How much weight have you gained? +6.5 lbs

*Do you know the gender of your baby? If so, what? A bouncing baby GIRL!

*Do you have a name picked out? What? Aiden Ryelle

*Maternity clothes? daywear and jammies

*Stretch Marks? I think some of the earlier ones are fading, but new ones are still making their debut

*How are you feeling right about now? Hungry

*Have you felt the baby move? All day, every day

*Sleep habits? Sleep, wake up, repeat 10+ times

*Any food cravings? Not really

*Anything you loved before that you absolutely cannot eat anymore? Just cucumbers now and I still haven't braved hummus again

*Memorable Moment of the Week: Hearing all of that movement during the sonogram! Spending time with family and friends for the holidays.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Week 23

We had another doctor appointment yesterday. Everything was looking really good. Aiden's heartbeat was VERY easy to find this time. So Dan didn't have to have another of his panic attacks. One awesome thing, besides hearing Aiden's heartbeat, that we found out at our appointment is that I'm officially GAINING WEIGHT! After the two pounds that I guessed I may have added before I started puking, I am up to six pounds! Initially she told me I was up 16lbs. After a minor freak out, she checked her chart and said "Oops. Just 6lbs then." The doctor says I don't have to drink whole milk and I can eat normally without worry. As long as I can gain about 1/2 lb. a week, I should be in pretty good shape. I'm so excited to be healthy and growing the way I'm supposed to be. This is the one time in my life I can be excited about gaining weight and I want to take advantage of it. I also found out that the pains I'm feeling when I laugh/sneeze/cough are probably round ligament pains. Although she did say that if they persist that I need to come in for some tests. Apparently, they have already had two moms-to-be with appendicitis. Since the pains are coming from that region, we are supposed to be keeping an eye on things. Hopefully it's just typical pregnancy pains! She also told me to be on the look out for Braxton Hicks contractions, as they are likely to start about this time.
Next appointment will be my glucose testing, which means drinking really gross orange liquid in a short amount of time right before my appointment. Please pray that everything comes back normal! Gestational diabetes is not something I would prefer to deal with.
In other news: I can officially no longer see my feet when I stand up and my belly button is starting to move itself to the outward position. Dan was the one that noticed, as I can't get that close to my belly button to examine it, as it is kind of on the down turn of my belly. He's betting it pops by our next appointment in four weeks. How weird would it be to have an outtie!?!
I do have one rant for the week:
To my mailman:
I have already indicated that Aaron Wisley does not live at my address. Please stop putting his living room center bills in my mailbox. As I wrote on the last letter "NOT HERE" that should indicate that YES! HE HAS MOVED! Do not respond to my "NOT HERE" notice. Simply stop putting his mail in my box. Also, it is none of your business who lives here now. If you had any brains at all, you would look at the names on the rest of the mail to figure that out for yourself. Your behavior indicates an obvious lack of intelligence in our postal workers. I hope your intelligence is not the reflection on the rest of that community.
A very annoyed pregnant lady

That about wraps it up for the week. Now for the belly pics!

Traditionally from the side

From the front where we will soon see a tiny bump of a belly button that has reversed itself

No more feet!

*When is your due date? April 12, 2010

*What week are you in? 23 weeks

*How much weight have you gained? +6lbs!

*Do you know the gender of your baby? If so, what? GIRL!

*Do you have a name picked out? What? Aiden Ryelle, meaning "little fire on the rye hill"

*Maternity clothes? And giant sweaters

*Stretch Marks? Look kids, its the rare human zebra

*How are you feeling right about now? Hungry

*Have you felt the baby move? All day, but mostly at night for the past week

*Sleep habits? Sleep? What's that?

*Any food cravings? I would really like an egg and cheese biscuit from Mickey D's. Sadly, it's past noon

*Anything you loved before that you absolutely cannot eat anymore? I feel like my taste buds are changing their preferences week to week. What was good last week, may not be good now.

*Memorable Moment of the Week: Hearing our little girl's heartbeat!

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Week 22

Me and my flan! It wasn't exactly my thing, but it looked so "muy bonito" (Spanish for "very pretty". Flan is a Spanish dessert). Dan, Sara, and Nick were so brave to be my guinea pigs :-)

Well, I'm getting this one up a little late (sorry to those of you who read this regularly). I went back to work this week and although I'm only working about 15-20 hrs, it's still an adjustment. I was so glad when I emailed BDLC and they really wanted me back. We could use some extra money with the baby on the way and I absolutely LOVE working with the babies in Lamb 1 room (nursery). It has been so much fun to get out of the house and back into the real world a bit. Everyone has been really nice and accommodating. I've never had so many people offer to do my job for me before (Ie. "don't pick him up. He's too heavy. I'll get it" or "I can change her for you. She's kind of wiggly"). It's nice to know that I can ask for help if I need it and to know that they care. For those of you who are now freaking out, I work in a nursery. All children are under the age of one. I'm not straining myself. The doctor said I can lift up to 20lbs. These kids are fine. So I'm okay (don't give me that look)...
We have a doctor's appointment on Tuesday to hear Aiden's heartbeat, take my measurements, etc. Hopefully I will have gained a little weight! I think I may have gained a little, after reading my scale a few times (it's really fickle and will fluctuate about 10lbs depending on when, how, where you stand on it). Hopefully all will be shaping up a bit better than it has in the past and we will be on our way to a normal, healthy 6th month!
We have been getting much strong kicks from our little girl. Dan even felt her do a somersault yesterday! He said it felt really weird, like something was rolling around just under my skin (I guess "something" was!). Hopefully my mom will get a chance to feel this Sunday, since Aiden refused to cooperate last week. An Ares child... what have we done to ourselves?!
I've been feeling really great. No morning sickness for weeks now. Although I do get nauseous much more easily, I've noticed. Something that would normally have just made me say "Eww... gross" now makes me want to hurl. I haven't, but I've thought about it.
My meat cravings are dying down. I don't feel like I need it every day. The days I do, I take an iron supplement and get on with the fried chicken.
I've also been getting strange pains in my abdomen occasionally when I laugh, sneeze, or cough too hard. One more thing to add to my list of what to ask the doctor when we go in for our appointment.
Well, I think that's it with the big update. Now onto pictures...

Here are the weekly belly pictures:

Farther away (kind of looks like I'm hiding a basketball)

Closer up

From the front (my belly button is starting to be weird)

I didn't get my ultrasound pics up before, but here they are now! Our beautiful little skeletal baby girl!

Aiden laying on her tummy. This is how she spent most of the time during the ultrasound and also the rest of her time off screen. I can always tell when she moves from this position because she feels really weird in my abdomen.

A view from the top of Aiden's head. Her brain was developing perfectly well, as well as the rest of her!

A view of her arm. All of her bones are looking good.

Finally a face shot! She has her mouth open, drinking in that amniotic fluid. The hungry little girl already had some in her tummy! Dan swears she has my nose :-)

*When is your due date?
April 12, 2010

*What week are you in? 22 weeks

*How much weight have you gained? I think I may be up to +2lbs, if we can trust my scale. I guess we'll see at the doctor on Tuesday.

*Do you know the gender of your baby? If so, what? A very active little GIRL!

*Do you have a name picked out? What? Aiden Ryelle (Hysterically enough, it seems as though we are naming her after our honor attendants. Not the intent, but a cute thought.)

*Who is going to be with you during delivery? Dan and my parents

*Maternity clothes? I never noticed how short normal shirts are...

*Stretch Marks? Make me very sad

*How are you feeling right about now? Sciatic nerve is hurting me to stand up and sit down. Suggestions?

*Have you felt the baby move? Every day! Multiple times a day!

*Sleep habits? Tossing and turning and trying to figure out why my pillows won't cooperate, while also trying to convince Aiden that 2am is not play time!

*Any food cravings? I think I satisfied the Reeses craving last night!

*Anything you loved before that you absolutely cannot eat anymore? I feel like my taste buds are changing their preferences week to week. What was good last week, may not be good now.

*Memorable Moment of the Week: Dan feeling not just a kick, but a somersault, too!

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Week 21 and Over the Hump!

At week 21, we are past the mid-way point and are on our way down the hill toward Babydom! I can't believe that we are already more than half way toward seeing our little girl. She is getting so much more active lately. I can even feel her kicking and moving around when I'm up and about, which is new and exciting! Less and less of my old clothes (the ones I left in my closet) are fitting nowadays. I'm starting a fashion trend of old baggy sweaters and such (which really don't look quite so baggy any more). I'm finally starting to be HUNGRY! Which for most people is not great news, but for me it's the BEST! I'm hoping that through this hungry phase I'll actually be able to put on a little bit of weight to help Miss Aiden Ryelle on her way to growing into a healthy little girl.
We just finished up most of our registering over this past week. Registering at BabiesRUs was especially great, as we got to meet up with our friends, Lilly and Jim while we were there! Happy Reunion! While I may say that Target is slightly less expensive on some products (not all, as I was shocked), BabiesRUs is way easier to use. I know that BabiesRUs is an exclusive baby store and Target is not, but I now wish that we had done ALL of our registering at BabiesRUs instead of pulling our hair out at Target (For those of you who live closer to Target, that was for you!). However, we've got about half and half at each store (okay, maybe a little more at BabiesRUs- what can I say: I LOVE THAT PLACE!). I feel pretty good about it all. I just need to finish up registering for clothing basics and I'll be completely finished! Yippee!
On the home front:
I'm going back to my old job as nursery support staff, as subbing was NOT steady enough. So that will be very fun. Plus it will get me back into the swing of having babies around all the time. And that's something I could definitely go for. Maybe I'll be able to get Dan to visit and actually come in the room (he's scared of other people's children- he swears he will break them). But he's got to get used to babies some time. He is going to have one of his own in a very short amount of time (Only four more months!).
On another happy note, we have all of our Christmas decorations up. So hopefully we will be able to get some pictures taken and maybe even send out holiday postcards! I think it would be fun :-) My friend Natasha, who lives downstairs, has been showing me all her scrapbooks and it's inspiring me to get my tushy in gear and do some of this sentimental stuff. It could also be hormones...

My handyman and his little helper, fixing some lights that just won't light!

Stringing the lights on the porch with Cainy Clause to help!

Even Dublin was having fun watching us decorate while snuggled into the light boxes.

Decorating our beautiful tree

Belly pictures! Dan took these so they look much better than my in the mirror photos.

*When is your due date? April 12, 2010 (more than half way there!)

*What week are you in? 21 weeks

*How much weight have you gained? It was +1/2lb last week, I'll have to weigh myself later to see if this eating this is helping

*Do you know the gender of your baby? If so, what? GIRL!

*Do you have a name picked out? What? Aiden Ryelle

*Who is going to be with you during delivery? Dan and my parents

*Maternity clothes? Yep! The last of the non-maternity clothes are in their final days.

*Stretch Marks? :-(

*How are you feeling right about now? Good. A little burny from the jalapenos I just ate, but other than that, good!

*Have you felt the baby move? Every day! All the time :-)

*Sleep habits? Neck and leg cramps are making sleeping difficult.

*Any food cravings? Apples and string cheese and poultry!

*Anything you loved before that you absolutely cannot eat anymore? Well, I probably should lay off the spicy peppers, but I REALLY don't want to.

*Memorable Moment of the Week: Constant kicking while I'm walking! She's going to be an active one.

Friday, November 27, 2009

Week 20 means we're halfway there and having a GIRL!

Yes. If you have heard the wonderful news, you already know. If you haven't here it is: WE'RE HAVING A GIRL!
I'm so excited and could not be happier. I think I would feel this way regardless of gender, but I'm ecstatic none-the-less. Dan and I have noticed our faces are starting to hurt due to all the smiling we've been doing over the last couple of days. Just knowing that we are having a little girl makes everything even more real. We can call our baby "her", "she", or "Aiden Ryelle" instead of "it" or "the baby".
We have decided to name her Aiden Ryelle, hence the previous notation. We always loved Aiden for a little girl (even though it is typically a boy's name. YES! WE KNOW!). And we've been scouring for a middle name to go with it when I found Ryelle in a book I was reading and just though it sounded so pretty, plus the character was described as beautiful, elegant, and everything to be admired (perfect for the little girl we're sure to have, right?). We looked up the meaning of the full name and found out that together it means "little fire on the rye hill". So let's hope she doesn't become a pyro! LOL. Though with the boys in the family determined to turn her into a little tomboy, I think that there is little chance of her escaping that fate.
Our ultrasound went wonderful (pictures to come on Monday, I hope, when I can get them scanned at my mommy's office). Little Aiden was apparently very comfy on her belly throughout most of the ultrasound. The technician actually had trouble getting to her to move from her cozy spot for different shots! Everything is developing very well and she is right on schedule for an April 12th delivery! She weighed in at 12ounces, which the baby sites say is above average, but the doctor says is completely normal. Her brain, heart, and bones are all formed very well. And she is drinking her amniotic fluid like a big girl! She had some in her stomach during the ultrasound and seemed to be taking in more, owing to the fact that she had her mouth open pretty much the whole time we were looking at her. Hopefully we'll have a good eater on our hands! We have also determined, from what we saw, that she is going to have my nose and Dan's forehead, but these seem to work for her as she is the cutest little 20week old fetus we've ever seen (not to be biased or anything!).
My check up went well. I'm still losing weight, but not as much as before (only half a pound this last month). I'm also taking iron supplements now, because I've been craving meat. The doctor says that this shows a significant iron deficiency, since I've previously been a vegetarian with no issues. So I'm eating a little poultry and taking iron pills. Yippee.
Well, here are the latest belly pics (note, these are after Thanksgiving!):

I actually thought to smile for once!

Though I suppose, I've been smiling non-stop for about 72hrs.

And the front. Not exactly the most flattering. I blame the combination of bulky sweater and oddly designed preggo pants.

*When is your due date?
April 12, 2010, Still dead on!

*What week are you in? 20 weeks

*How much weight have you gained? Now at +1/2lb

*Do you know the gender of your baby? If so, what? A beautiful little GIRL!

*Do you have a name picked out? What? Aiden Ryelle and YES WE KNOW AIDEN IS TYPICALLY A BOY'S NAME!

*Who is going to be with you during delivery? Dan and my parents (between the three of them, I know things will go the way I want them to go)

*Maternity clothes? Yep! Old clothes out, maternity clothes in!

*Stretch Marks? Maybe the lotion is working, maybe the lotion is not working, maybe I'm just hopeful.

*How are you feeling right about now? It's getting harder to get up and down and bend over. Curse my incredibly short torso!

*Have you felt the baby move? Every day! She's shocking the doctors!

*Sleep habits? Sleeping on my sides hurts too much now, so I'm taking leave from the doctor to lay on my back if I want until 28 weeks.

*Any food cravings? Apples and string cheese and poultry!

*Anything you loved before that you absolutely cannot eat anymore? I'm really having to watch my sugar intake. It gives me heartburn :-(

*Memorable Moment of the Week: WE'RE HAVING A LITTLE GIRL! I still can't stop smiling :-)

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Update since yesterday!

Dan got to feel his first kick last night at about 10:30! So no more of his feeling completely uninvolved. He said he wasn't even sure he felt it at first because it was such a light push against his hand. Fortunately the baby kept at it. So he was pretty sure after a couple of kicks that he was really feeling his baby moving in there :-) Yay!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Week 19- One week until the half way point!

I can't believe that we are almost half way there! Where has the time gone!?! This has definitely been a very good week in the realm of pregnancy. Excluding one midnight trip to the bathroom, I have been relatively morning sickness free! Thank goodness. All I can say is: IT'S ABOUT TIME! I know that Dan is quite ready to have a wife that is back to normal, instead of one that can't get off the couch half the time.
On to other matters: I have finally purged my closet and drawers of all the clothes I can no longer wear. This being said, my father can no longer say that I have too many clothes. Dan has more on his side of the closet than I do (something I thought would NEVER happen). I just can't believe how much of my clothing no longer fits. I can't wear hardly any of my regular pants anymore, even with the belly band. They just look rather ridiculous at this point. So I gave in and shipped them away to storage land. However, I am starting to stock up on maternity clothes. So this should help the clothing shortage :-) As sad as I was to them go, it is good to know that the clothes I'm now reaching for will definitely fit me! No more guessing game (at least for a few more weeks, I hope!).
As of last Friday the baby has moved from fish flipping, fluttery fun to full out kicking (not hard, obviously, but definite jabs). The baby has been moving SO MUCH this week. I usually feel lots of little kicks toward evening (5pm or so). But I'm also getting little bits in the early afternoon, and once in the middle of the night! That was quite strange to wake up to, especially as he/she was kicking down instead of out, something I hadn't experienced before or since :-) A very strange feeling if ever there was one! It is so wonderful to have a constant reassurance that everything is still going okay in there. I feel even more connected to this child now that I can't fool myself into thinking I've just had one too many tacos. Dan still hasn't felt any kicking, though we've tried. Really hoping that the kicks will get even stronger over this coming week or so, so that Dan can feel his little boy/girl moving around. He handles the lack of involvement well, but I can tell it's really killing him that he can't feel anything yet. Hopefully soon!
Speaking of exciting things to come, next Tuesday is the date of our next ultrasound! I simply cannot wait to find out what we are having! It will be so nice to refer to the baby as a boy or a girl and give him/her a NAME! Another great part of this appointment is that we will have ultrasound pics of our little one to show everyone during the Thanksgiving festivities! So this next blog will be a little late in coming out so that we can make sure to tell the family face-to-face. Then cyber world can have its chance at the info!
Here are the weekly belly updates (all I can say is if I'm not having twins, that is going to be one big baby!):

*When is your due date? April 12, 2010

*What week are you in? 19 weeks

*How much weight have you gained? Still at +1lb (even with clothes on I swear I'm still losing)

*Do you know the gender of your baby? If so, what? I still think boy, but I don't think I would be completely shocked to be told it's a girl either...

*Do you have a name picked out? What? Boy: Kellen Daniel, Girl: Aiden Mirth or maybe Aiden Ryelle

*Who is going to be with you during delivery? Dan

*Maternity clothes? Yep! Old clothes out, maternity clothes in!

*Stretch Marks? Does lotion even work? My poor tummy will never be the same!

*How are you feeling right about now? Hard to stand up for long periods of time without back pain. Nausea and headaches seem to be decreasing though.

*Have you felt the baby move? DEFINITELY! I LOVE IT!

*What is the latest thing you bought for baby? Still waiting to do all the registry stuff until next Tuesday when we will really know what we are looking for.

*Sleep habits? Sleeping on my back hurts, so I toss and turn a lot of side to side.

*Any food cravings? Apples and string cheese

*Anything you loved before that you absolutely cannot eat anymore?Nothing new and I can eat some more dairy again! Yippee!

*Memorable Moment of the Week: Feeling the first actual kicks/jabs!

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

The Old Wives Predict...

It'll be a boy! But only by a slight margin :-)
Tons of you have been asking me if we know, want to know, and when we'll know if we're having a little bundle of pink or blue. I know we're excited to find out, but until November 24th we'll just have to let the "old wives" give us their predictions :-)
I found this site online that lists characteristics of carrying boys and girls. So here they are for your viewing pleasures.
I've placed an asterisk next to all the ones that apply to me.

It's a boy if:
• You didn't experience morning sickness in early pregnancy
• Your baby's heart rate is less than 140 beats per minute
• You are carrying the extra weight out front *
• Your belly looks like a basketball
• Your areolas have darkened considerably *
• You are carrying low *---There is still some discrepancy on whether or not I'm carrying high/low, but the general consensus is low. Really, there is no place for this baby to be but simply out. I have the shortest torso ever!
• You are craving salty or sour foods
• You are craving protein -- meats and cheese *--- but I'm only indulging in tuna occasionally
• Your feet are colder than they were before pregnancy *--- Wearing socks/booties to bed most nights.
• The hair on your legs has grown faster during pregnancy
• Your hands are very dry
• Your pillow faces north when you sleep
• Dad-to-be is gaining weight, right along with you *--- well he was. Now he's on a diet and losing! So I don't know if this counts :-)
• Pregnancy has you looking better than ever *--- I feel like I do. Since I'm gaining belly weight and not gaining weight overall, it has me slimming overall.
• Your urine is bright yellow in color *--- I think this just means I'm not drinking enough water
• Your nose is spreading
• You hang your wedding ring over your belly and it moves in circles *--- It moved in an odd pattern (back, forth, round, round, back, forth...)
• You are having headaches * (So bad)
• You add your age at the time of conception and the number for the month you conceived and the sum is an even number

It's a girl if:
• You had morning sickness early in pregnancy * (Well, is it still early?)
• Your baby's heart rate is at least 140 beats per minute *---(146-150)
• You are carrying the weight in your hips and rear
• Your left breast is larger than your right breast
• Your hair develops red highlights
• You are carrying high
• Your belly looks like a watermelon *
• You are craving sweets
• You are craving fruit *--- (APPLES!)
• You crave orange juice
• You don't look quite as good as normal during pregnancy
• You are moodier than usual during pregnancy *--- (I cry all the time. Commercials for hospitals and anything having to do with children, happy or sad).
• Your face breaks out more than usual
• You refuse to eat the heel of a loaf of bread
• Your breasts have really blossomed! *--- (And if they could find a stopping point, I'd appreciate it!)
• Your pillow faces south when you sleep
• Your urine is a dull yellow color
• You hang your wedding ring over your belly and it moves from side to side*--- (see above)
• You add your age at the time of conception and the number for the month you conceived and the sum is an odd number* (22 + 7 = 29)

Anyway, hope you enjoyed. Feel free to send your remarks. I love getting everyone's opinions to see who is right and wrong and how the general consensus ends up. The tally stands
BOY: 20

Aunt J.J.
Steph Cornthwaite
Rose Witteveen
Angela Hamm
Roxie Glaze
Dan's work (we'll say about 7 people)
Kaitlyn Disher
Stephanie Clouser
Dana Kinney
Soon-to-be Uncle Johnny
Meghann Hampton
Dan's mom

GIRL: 14
Cousin Jessie
Cousin Jill
Michelle Dehart
Julie Parmenter
Hannah Dutton
Jessica Wilson
Rachel Peine
Julie Hinton
Tyrone (Dan's work)
Kaleen Dowdy
Ellen Pashley
My mom
Pat Pinkard
Aunt Pam

Twins (Since there has been significant input in this area): About 5
Aunt Terry
Several People from Dan's work
I wouldn't be surprised!

Monday, November 9, 2009

Okay, so I'm a bad blogger who missed week 17. On to week 18!

So, to those of you who keep up regularly, so sorry for the lack of update over the last week. I did some subbing and then I've been sick off and on. Thus, it kind of slipped my mind. Sorry.
As to the update:
This has been a week for the beginning of back pain! Yes. I am now so big that standing on my feet to long makes my back hurt. :-(
So BIG you say? Oh yes! I actually went into my mom's office and was asked by one of her co-workers, "Wow! How far along are you again?!" I am officially way bigger than my week number gives me credit for. However, it definitely helps me to feel more pregnant. Which I LOVE!
Unfortunately pregnancy is also kicking in other unpleasant side affects such as cold symptoms. For the time being I am a Halls addict. As gross as they may be, they help!
To top off the bad news with the good, we will be finding out in a couple of weeks what the sex of our baby is! We are super excited! We still seem to be getting a 50/50 response on the expectations of boy and girl from all our family and friends. So it will definitely be a surprise to us all.
I've been feeling lots movement lately. The movement has definitely moved from fluttering, fishy movements to actual movement. It feels like someone is just pressing up against the inside of my abdomen, which I suppose they are! It's so great! I love feeling that actual pressure and movement. I can't distinguish body parts and Dan hasn't been able to feel anything yet, but hopefully soon!
Onto the belly pics:

*When is your due date?
April 12, 2010

*What week are you in? 18 weeks

*How much weight have you gained? Still at +1lb

*Do you know the gender of your baby? If so, what? Definitely feeling it's a boy, but I almost feel guilty saying that...

*Do you have a name picked out? What? Boy: Kellen Daniel, Girl: Aiden Mirth

*Who is going to be with you during delivery? Dan

*Maternity clothes? Yep! I can still wear my old pants if I wear the belly band, but I'm getting to the end of my options there.

*Stretch Marks? Make me very sad :-(

*How are you feeling right about now? Back aches, head aches, nausea off and on STILL... but feeling pretty good at the moment.

*Have you felt the baby move? Oh Yeah! Right now actually!

*What is the latest thing you bought for baby? My parents just bought the baby a teddy bear and my mom made BOOTIES! So cute!

*Sleep habits? Lots of pillows.

*Any food cravings? Apples!

*Anything you loved before that you absolutely cannot eat anymore?Nothing new

*Memorable Moment of the Week: Feeling movement in a completely new and different way!

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Week 16

Well, here ends the fourth month and I can't believe how fast it's gone! We only have five months left until little wisling gets here. It seems so far and yet so close, at the same time. It's so exciting.
We had another doctor appointment yesterday. We got to hear the heart beat again, which is up to 150bpm over the 146bpm from the times before. Dan was getting a little worried because (just like last time) it took the doctor a minute to find the heartbeat. I think he is officially much more of a nervous ninny than me! All seemed well and good. And next month we will get to have our ultrasound and find out if we are expecting a little boy or a little girl. We just can't wait! We also had our Afp4 testing done yesterday, which will help to determine the risk of birth defects. Please keep it in prayer that these come back A-OK. It's very nerve wracking. We should know the results in 7-10days. So I will be able to update on the next blog (I hope!).
One great thing about the doctor appointment is that I got all of my crazy questions answered. So here is what I know: Even though I've lost weight, it's not too drastic. So it's okay. I should be able to put on some weight soon, as this baby is growing by leaps and bounds!
My hair loss issue is not hopeless. As long as it is not falling out the in patches, the doctor says not to worry. Women react to pregnancy differently, and my thinning hair is not too weird and I won't go bald. It should come back in full force once the baby gets here.
I have NOT been having Braxton Hicks contractions. Apparently the pain I'm feeling is just round ligament pain (stretching muscles around my abdomen). I still say I'm surprised. Because "OW!" they hurt!
Other new developments in our lives include Dan getting a job interview at Cook! Yeah! And we are looking into purchasing a home in the Spencer area. So please pray that everything works out and we can really get our lives in a cushy spot before baby arrives.

Here are the new belly pics. They look MUCH better than usual, as Dan took them!

*When is your due date? April 12, 2010

*What week are you in? 16 weeks

*How much weight have you gained? I lost a pound this past month. So I am at +1lb.

*Do you know the gender of your baby? If so, what? I can't decide. But I don't really care. As long as it's a happy healthy little baby!

*Do you have a name picked out? What? Boy: Kellen Daniel, Girl: Aiaden Mirth (yes, we like the dream name!)

*Who is going to be with you during delivery? Dan

*Maternity clothes? I officially only have one pair of pants that fits (including pj. pants.). How sad!

*Stretch Marks? Moving around my sides. Boo!

*How are you feeling right about now? Better than earlier. I had another bout of morning sickness today, but I think that's because Caina kept waking me up.

*Have you felt the baby move?Yep. A little here and there.

*What is the latest thing you bought for baby? Well, we are looking into buying a house. And that's kind of for baby too!

*Sleep habits? On my side (mostly my left).

*Any food cravings? I still love apples! I have also really wanted egg salad lately.

*Anything you loved before that you absolutely cannot eat anymore?Nothing new

*Memorable Moment of the Week: Looking at a house, Dan getting a call for an interview, Hearing that most precious of "thump thump thump"s again!