We just finished up most of our registering over this past week. Registering at BabiesRUs was especially great, as we got to meet up with our friends, Lilly and Jim while we were there! Happy Reunion! While I may say that Target is slightly less expensive on some products (not all, as I was shocked), BabiesRUs is way easier to use. I know that BabiesRUs is an exclusive baby store and Target is not, but I now wish that we had done ALL of our registering at BabiesRUs instead of pulling our hair out at Target (For those of you who live closer to Target, that was for you!). However, we've got about half and half at each store (okay, maybe a little more at BabiesRUs- what can I say: I LOVE THAT PLACE!). I feel pretty good about it all. I just need to finish up registering for clothing basics and I'll be completely finished! Yippee!
On the home front:
I'm going back to my old job as nursery support staff, as subbing was NOT steady enough. So that will be very fun. Plus it will get me back into the swing of having babies around all the time. And that's something I could definitely go for. Maybe I'll be able to get Dan to visit and actually come in the room (he's scared of other people's children- he swears he will break them). But he's got to get used to babies some time. He is going to have one of his own in a very short amount of time (Only four more months!).
On another happy note, we have all of our Christmas decorations up. So hopefully we will be able to get some pictures taken and maybe even send out holiday postcards! I think it would be fun :-) My friend Natasha, who lives downstairs, has been showing me all her scrapbooks and it's inspiring me to get my tushy in gear and do some of this sentimental stuff. It could also be hormones...
My handyman and his little helper, fixing some lights that just won't light!
Stringing the lights on the porch with Cainy Clause to help!

Even Dublin was having fun watching us decorate while snuggled into the light boxes.

Decorating our beautiful tree
Belly pictures! Dan took these so they look much better than my in the mirror photos.

*When is your due date? April 12, 2010 (more than half way there!)
*What week are you in? 21 weeks
*How much weight have you gained? It was +1/2lb last week, I'll have to weigh myself later to see if this eating this is helping
*Do you know the gender of your baby? If so, what? GIRL!
*Do you have a name picked out? What? Aiden Ryelle
*Who is going to be with you during delivery? Dan and my parents
*Maternity clothes? Yep! The last of the non-maternity clothes are in their final days.
*Stretch Marks? :-(
*How are you feeling right about now? Good. A little burny from the jalapenos I just ate, but other than that, good!
*Have you felt the baby move? Every day! All the time :-)
*Sleep habits? Neck and leg cramps are making sleeping difficult.
*Any food cravings? Apples and string cheese and poultry!
*Anything you loved before that you absolutely cannot eat anymore? Well, I probably should lay off the spicy peppers, but I REALLY don't want to.
*Memorable Moment of the Week: Constant kicking while I'm walking! She's going to be an active one.
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