Me and my flan! It wasn't exactly my thing, but it looked so "muy bonito" (Spanish for "very pretty". Flan is a Spanish dessert). Dan, Sara, and Nick were so brave to be my guinea pigs :-)
Well, I'm getting this one up a little late (sorry to those of you who read this regularly). I went back to work this week and although I'm only working about 15-20 hrs, it's still an adjustment. I was so glad when I emailed BDLC and they really wanted me back. We could use some extra money with the baby on the way and I absolutely LOVE working with the babies in Lamb 1 room (nursery). It has been so much fun to get out of the house and back into the real world a bit. Everyone has been really nice and accommodating. I've never had so many people offer to do my job for me before (Ie. "don't pick him up. He's too heavy. I'll get it" or "I can change her for you. She's kind of wiggly"). It's nice to know that I can ask for help if I need it and to know that they care. For those of you who are now freaking out, I work in a nursery. All children are under the age of one. I'm not straining myself. The doctor said I can lift up to 20lbs. These kids are fine. So I'm okay (don't give me that look)...
We have a doctor's appointment on Tuesday to hear Aiden's heartbeat, take my measurements, etc. Hopefully I will have gained a little weight! I think I may have gained a little, after reading my scale a few times (it's really fickle and will fluctuate about 10lbs depending on when, how, where you stand on it). Hopefully all will be shaping up a bit better than it has in the past and we will be on our way to a normal, healthy 6th month!
We have been getting much strong kicks from our little girl. Dan even felt her do a somersault yesterday! He said it felt really weird, like something was rolling around just under my skin (I guess "something" was!). Hopefully my mom will get a chance to feel this Sunday, since Aiden refused to cooperate last week. An Ares child... what have we done to ourselves?!
I've been feeling really great. No morning sickness for weeks now. Although I do get nauseous much more easily, I've noticed. Something that would normally have just made me say "Eww... gross" now makes me want to hurl. I haven't, but I've thought about it.
My meat cravings are dying down. I don't feel like I need it every day. The days I do, I take an iron supplement and get on with the fried chicken.
I've also been getting strange pains in my abdomen occasionally when I laugh, sneeze, or cough too hard. One more thing to add to my list of what to ask the doctor when we go in for our appointment.
Well, I think that's it with the big update. Now onto pictures...
Here are the weekly belly pictures:

Farther away (kind of looks like I'm hiding a basketball)

Closer up
From the front (my belly button is starting to be weird)
I didn't get my ultrasound pics up before, but here they are now! Our beautiful little skeletal baby girl!

Aiden laying on her tummy. This is how she spent most of the time during the ultrasound and also the rest of her time off screen. I can always tell when she moves from this position because she feels really weird in my abdomen.

A view from the top of Aiden's head. Her brain was developing perfectly well, as well as the rest of her!

A view of her arm. All of her bones are looking good.

Finally a face shot! She has her mouth open, drinking in that amniotic fluid. The hungry little girl already had some in her tummy! Dan swears she has my nose :-)
*When is your due date? April 12, 2010
*What week are you in? 22 weeks
*How much weight have you gained? I think I may be up to +2lbs, if we can trust my scale. I guess we'll see at the doctor on Tuesday.
*Do you know the gender of your baby? If so, what? A very active little GIRL!
*Do you have a name picked out? What? Aiden Ryelle (Hysterically enough, it seems as though we are naming her after our honor attendants. Not the intent, but a cute thought.)
*Who is going to be with you during delivery? Dan and my parents
*Maternity clothes? I never noticed how short normal shirts are...
*Stretch Marks? Make me very sad
*How are you feeling right about now? Sciatic nerve is hurting me to stand up and sit down. Suggestions?
*Have you felt the baby move? Every day! Multiple times a day!
*Sleep habits? Tossing and turning and trying to figure out why my pillows won't cooperate, while also trying to convince Aiden that 2am is not play time!
*Any food cravings? I think I satisfied the Reeses craving last night!
*Anything you loved before that you absolutely cannot eat anymore? I feel like my taste buds are changing their preferences week to week. What was good last week, may not be good now.
*Memorable Moment of the Week: Dan feeling not just a kick, but a somersault, too!
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