Next appointment will be my glucose testing, which means drinking really gross orange liquid in a short amount of time right before my appointment. Please pray that everything comes back normal! Gestational diabetes is not something I would prefer to deal with.
In other news: I can officially no longer see my feet when I stand up and my belly button is starting to move itself to the outward position. Dan was the one that noticed, as I can't get that close to my belly button to examine it, as it is kind of on the down turn of my belly. He's betting it pops by our next appointment in four weeks. How weird would it be to have an outtie!?!
I do have one rant for the week:
To my mailman:
I have already indicated that Aaron Wisley does not live at my address. Please stop putting his living room center bills in my mailbox. As I wrote on the last letter "NOT HERE" that should indicate that YES! HE HAS MOVED! Do not respond to my "NOT HERE" notice. Simply stop putting his mail in my box. Also, it is none of your business who lives here now. If you had any brains at all, you would look at the names on the rest of the mail to figure that out for yourself. Your behavior indicates an obvious lack of intelligence in our postal workers. I hope your intelligence is not the reflection on the rest of that community.
A very annoyed pregnant lady
That about wraps it up for the week. Now for the belly pics!

Traditionally from the side
From the front where we will soon see a tiny bump of a belly button that has reversed itself
No more feet!
*When is your due date? April 12, 2010
*What week are you in? 23 weeks
*How much weight have you gained? +6lbs!
*Do you know the gender of your baby? If so, what? GIRL!
*Do you have a name picked out? What? Aiden Ryelle, meaning "little fire on the rye hill"
*Maternity clothes? And giant sweaters
*Stretch Marks? Look kids, its the rare human zebra
*How are you feeling right about now? Hungry
*Have you felt the baby move? All day, but mostly at night for the past week
*Sleep habits? Sleep? What's that?
*Any food cravings? I would really like an egg and cheese biscuit from Mickey D's. Sadly, it's past noon
*Anything you loved before that you absolutely cannot eat anymore? I feel like my taste buds are changing their preferences week to week. What was good last week, may not be good now.
*Memorable Moment of the Week: Hearing our little girl's heartbeat!
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