As to the update:
This has been a week for the beginning of back pain! Yes. I am now so big that standing on my feet to long makes my back hurt. :-(
So BIG you say? Oh yes! I actually went into my mom's office and was asked by one of her co-workers, "Wow! How far along are you again?!" I am officially way bigger than my week number gives me credit for. However, it definitely helps me to feel more pregnant. Which I LOVE!
Unfortunately pregnancy is also kicking in other unpleasant side affects such as cold symptoms. For the time being I am a Halls addict. As gross as they may be, they help!
To top off the bad news with the good, we will be finding out in a couple of weeks what the sex of our baby is! We are super excited! We still seem to be getting a 50/50 response on the expectations of boy and girl from all our family and friends. So it will definitely be a surprise to us all.
I've been feeling lots movement lately. The movement has definitely moved from fluttering, fishy movements to actual movement. It feels like someone is just pressing up against the inside of my abdomen, which I suppose they are! It's so great! I love feeling that actual pressure and movement. I can't distinguish body parts and Dan hasn't been able to feel anything yet, but hopefully soon!
Onto the belly pics:

*When is your due date? April 12, 2010
*What week are you in? 18 weeks
*How much weight have you gained? Still at +1lb
*Do you know the gender of your baby? If so, what? Definitely feeling it's a boy, but I almost feel guilty saying that...
*Do you have a name picked out? What? Boy: Kellen Daniel, Girl: Aiden Mirth
*Who is going to be with you during delivery? Dan
*Maternity clothes? Yep! I can still wear my old pants if I wear the belly band, but I'm getting to the end of my options there.
*Stretch Marks? Make me very sad :-(
*How are you feeling right about now? Back aches, head aches, nausea off and on STILL... but feeling pretty good at the moment.
*Have you felt the baby move? Oh Yeah! Right now actually!
*What is the latest thing you bought for baby? My parents just bought the baby a teddy bear and my mom made BOOTIES! So cute!
*Sleep habits? Lots of pillows.
*Any food cravings? Apples!
*Anything you loved before that you absolutely cannot eat anymore?Nothing new
*Memorable Moment of the Week: Feeling movement in a completely new and different way!
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