We had another doctor appointment yesterday. We got to hear the heart beat again, which is up to 150bpm over the 146bpm from the times before. Dan was getting a little worried because (just like last time) it took the doctor a minute to find the heartbeat. I think he is officially much more of a nervous ninny than me! All seemed well and good. And next month we will get to have our ultrasound and find out if we are expecting a little boy or a little girl. We just can't wait! We also had our Afp4 testing done yesterday, which will help to determine the risk of birth defects. Please keep it in prayer that these come back A-OK. It's very nerve wracking. We should know the results in 7-10days. So I will be able to update on the next blog (I hope!).
One great thing about the doctor appointment is that I got all of my crazy questions answered. So here is what I know: Even though I've lost weight, it's not too drastic. So it's okay. I should be able to put on some weight soon, as this baby is growing by leaps and bounds!
My hair loss issue is not hopeless. As long as it is not falling out the in patches, the doctor says not to worry. Women react to pregnancy differently, and my thinning hair is not too weird and I won't go bald. It should come back in full force once the baby gets here.
I have NOT been having Braxton Hicks contractions. Apparently the pain I'm feeling is just round ligament pain (stretching muscles around my abdomen). I still say I'm surprised. Because "OW!" they hurt!
Other new developments in our lives include Dan getting a job interview at Cook! Yeah! And we are looking into purchasing a home in the Spencer area. So please pray that everything works out and we can really get our lives in a cushy spot before baby arrives.
Here are the new belly pics. They look MUCH better than usual, as Dan took them!

*How much weight have you gained? I lost a pound this past month. So I am at +1lb.
*Do you know the gender of your baby? If so, what? I can't decide. But I don't really care. As long as it's a happy healthy little baby!
*Do you have a name picked out? What? Boy: Kellen Daniel, Girl: Aiaden Mirth (yes, we like the dream name!)
*Who is going to be with you during delivery? Dan
*Maternity clothes? I officially only have one pair of pants that fits (including pj. pants.). How sad!
*Stretch Marks? Moving around my sides. Boo!
*How are you feeling right about now? Better than earlier. I had another bout of morning sickness today, but I think that's because Caina kept waking me up.
*Have you felt the baby move?Yep. A little here and there.
*What is the latest thing you bought for baby? Well, we are looking into buying a house. And that's kind of for baby too!
*Sleep habits? On my side (mostly my left).
*Any food cravings? I still love apples! I have also really wanted egg salad lately.
*Anything you loved before that you absolutely cannot eat anymore?Nothing new
*Memorable Moment of the Week: Looking at a house, Dan getting a call for an interview, Hearing that most precious of "thump thump thump"s again!
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