On to other matters: I have finally purged my closet and drawers of all the clothes I can no longer wear. This being said, my father can no longer say that I have too many clothes. Dan has more on his side of the closet than I do (something I thought would NEVER happen). I just can't believe how much of my clothing no longer fits. I can't wear hardly any of my regular pants anymore, even with the belly band. They just look rather ridiculous at this point. So I gave in and shipped them away to storage land. However, I am starting to stock up on maternity clothes. So this should help the clothing shortage :-) As sad as I was to them go, it is good to know that the clothes I'm now reaching for will definitely fit me! No more guessing game (at least for a few more weeks, I hope!).
As of last Friday the baby has moved from fish flipping, fluttery fun to full out kicking (not hard, obviously, but definite jabs). The baby has been moving SO MUCH this week. I usually feel lots of little kicks toward evening (5pm or so). But I'm also getting little bits in the early afternoon, and once in the middle of the night! That was quite strange to wake up to, especially as he/she was kicking down instead of out, something I hadn't experienced before or since :-) A very strange feeling if ever there was one! It is so wonderful to have a constant reassurance that everything is still going okay in there. I feel even more connected to this child now that I can't fool myself into thinking I've just had one too many tacos. Dan still hasn't felt any kicking, though we've tried. Really hoping that the kicks will get even stronger over this coming week or so, so that Dan can feel his little boy/girl moving around. He handles the lack of involvement well, but I can tell it's really killing him that he can't feel anything yet. Hopefully soon!
Speaking of exciting things to come, next Tuesday is the date of our next ultrasound! I simply cannot wait to find out what we are having! It will be so nice to refer to the baby as a boy or a girl and give him/her a NAME! Another great part of this appointment is that we will have ultrasound pics of our little one to show everyone during the Thanksgiving festivities! So this next blog will be a little late in coming out so that we can make sure to tell the family face-to-face. Then cyber world can have its chance at the info!
Here are the weekly belly updates (all I can say is if I'm not having twins, that is going to be one big baby!):

*When is your due date? April 12, 2010
*What week are you in? 19 weeks
*How much weight have you gained? Still at +1lb (even with clothes on I swear I'm still losing)
*Do you know the gender of your baby? If so, what? I still think boy, but I don't think I would be completely shocked to be told it's a girl either...
*Do you have a name picked out? What? Boy: Kellen Daniel, Girl: Aiden Mirth or maybe Aiden Ryelle
*Who is going to be with you during delivery? Dan
*Maternity clothes? Yep! Old clothes out, maternity clothes in!
*Stretch Marks? Does lotion even work? My poor tummy will never be the same!
*How are you feeling right about now? Hard to stand up for long periods of time without back pain. Nausea and headaches seem to be decreasing though.
*Have you felt the baby move? DEFINITELY! I LOVE IT!
*What is the latest thing you bought for baby? Still waiting to do all the registry stuff until next Tuesday when we will really know what we are looking for.
*Sleep habits? Sleeping on my back hurts, so I toss and turn a lot of side to side.
*Any food cravings? Apples and string cheese
*Anything you loved before that you absolutely cannot eat anymore?Nothing new and I can eat some more dairy again! Yippee!
*Memorable Moment of the Week: Feeling the first actual kicks/jabs!
Let me tell you, the lotion does NOT work! I seem to have new, or at least longer stretch marks every week! Urgh!
ReplyDeleteOh that's awful news! I'm so sorry to hear it! I've been trying, but with little luck. It kind of makes me feel better to try something though. Maybe lotion is just supposed to be a moral boost :-)