If only Dan hadn't had to work... but he did get to come home early, which was a nice surprise. We went to church for the first time since Aiden was born. Needless to say she was a huge hit. Although this also means that people drove me crazy- not all, but some. Mostly everyone was very sweet, excited and complimentary. However, you will always get the occasional few that think seeing your baby means life is revolving around THEM seeing your baby. -BEGIN RANT- I'm sorry but if you can't see my baby's face, move so you can. She is sleeping or cuddling and doesn't need to moved for your convenience. LIFE IS NOT ABOUT YOU!!! Argh! Sorry for the rant at the beginning of what should be a nice post, but it really got on my nerves. Also, I appreciate advice when it is concerning something important- such as diaper brand recalls or recent child psychology reviews. However, please do not inform me of how I should and should not dress my child. I don't really care if you don't like head bands or think she should be wearing shoes or (__fill in blank__). She is my child. I can decide how she will be dressed without any help from anyone else. Now... if you notice she's lost a sock, that's fine. Please inform me. Otherwise, please get over yourself enough to realize that not everyone's tastes have to match your own! -END RANT-
Other than the causes of the rant, we had a good mother's day. We spent the early afternoon visiting Kathy and the rest of the day (after Dan went to work) was spent at my parents' house. We had my auntie Pam and my Grandmother King stop by. So Aiden got to see lots of people on our first mother's day.
I also got to take a short nap (happy Mother's Day to me!) and Dan bought me my favorite shampoo. This might initially sound like a very strange gift. However, my favorite shampoo is twice as expensive and any other kind and I never buy it for myself. So, as I've needed a little pampering and taking a shower has been my only mommy alone time as of late, it was an amazingly thoughtful gift. Thanks honey :-)
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