Lots of exciting news this week! Aiden has OFFICIALLY rolled over!!! So exciting! We have been doing lots of tummy time lately and she has been very determined to get moving and she is well on her way :-)
She has also been making lots of funny faces. She is pursing her lips, raising her eyebrows and giving us real smiles! It is so wonderful to smile at her and to see her smile back at us. I just love my baby!! It is super sweet- as if she wasn't already cute enough... she even laughs in her sleep. I just love it! It even makes up for her screaming in the middle of the night.
On that note- she is sleeping so much better these days. She actually slept for five hours straight last night. Yippee!
Music is definitely helping the sleep and it is quite obvious that she is a music loving child. My parents have a toy that plays music when you hit is on something. My dad smacked it on his hand to get it playing and Aidie's eyes popped open so wide and she smiled so big. It was so sweet. It totally made my dad's day!
I'm so excited about tomorrow. We have decided to take a trip to the Newport Aquarium. Should be very fun... or a catastrophe. Either way... we should have good pictures and great memories.
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