Aiden's doctor appointment went very well yesterday. We found out that she is up to 7lbs. 11oz (almost 1oz/day!) and she is now 19 3/4 inches long. So she is definitely growing! She has also finally had a poopy diaper. Yippee! We can all feel better about her digestion now. We have taken her off of the rice cereal and are now giving her a soy formula for fussy, gassy, spit-up prone babies. It seems to be helping. Although, my milk seems to be coming in better now. So hopefully it won't be long and we won't be supplementing at all! Overall, the Dr. Laughlin said she appears to be very healthy. We shouldn't be heading back to the doctor until her 2month check. I can't believe it. She'll be two months old before we know it!
This past week has been very exciting. Aiden has become very interested in lights. Whenever her eyes are open, she seems to be looking at a light fixture of some kind. How funny.
She is also determined to get moving... or so it would seem. Whenever we put her down for tummy time, she scoots herself across the play mat. She is so strong! She is also trying to roll over already. She is already rolling to her side and is rocking to get moved farther. We just haven't made it that far yet. Maybe in the next couple of weeks :-)
She is also holding up her head MUCH better. We don't have to hold up her head all of the time now. And she is staying awake for long periods of time- long in this frame of reference meaning 3hrs-ish. She has also been sleeping better. One four hour stretch and shorter ones after that. We are very thankful for better sleep. However, she has been sleeping a lot this evening... so we may have issues tonight... I guess we'll see.
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