Aiden and I were laying on the bed yesterday and... well you'll never guess... she ROLLED OVER! I still can't believe it and we've been trying to get her to do it again, but we haven't been able to get her to do so. Dan and I were talking and we think the bed might have been slanted a bit (so it helped with the rolling). However, it definitely shows she is making big progress and is quite determined to get moving!!! So exciting! In other news, she is holding her head up so well these days. We don't hardly have to help her now. I can't believe that, on Monday, she will be four weeks old! My baby is growing up so fast!
Aiden enjoying her new boppy! She sleeps SO well in this thing!

Aiden saying hi to Stephanie!
Sound asleep :-)
Out for a walk at our new complex
Checking out a cute little clearing
I'm glad she likes the boppy, only in the first photo it looks like a form of punishment!