We just had our doctor appointment this morning at 11am. Aiden is measuring up very well and her heartbeat was very easy to find and sounds good. The doctor said that I'm about the same in dilation and effacement as before, but Aiden is also officially starting to drop! She is now at -1cm, as compared to -2cm the previous week. He seemed very confident that we will be having our little girl in a few days to a week! He said if by some chance I'm still pregnant next week, I'll come back in for another check up to see if I've had any more progress. So hopefully we'll be meeting Aiden before the week is out! I can't wait!
Some more great news! The girl who looked at our apartment last night said she DEFINITELY wants to sublease. Finally! And she seems totally sane, unlike the last potential...
Hopefully we will be signing paperwork today or tomorrow. The leasing office for the complex in Gosport said we can definitely move in by Monday. So... as my mom said, as soon as I set up the nursery a subleaser would show up and she's guessing that my water will break when we are in the process of moving. She's usually pretty good at these things. So that will probably be exactly what happens. Haha!
Well, I guess we will be REALLY busy this week!
Some very odd news from last night. My feet swelled to about twice their normal size! That was pretty frightening. I couldn't bend my ankles! The swelling was way down this morning though and my blood pressure was fine. So hopefully no more of that in the future. The doctor actually complemented me on still having noticeable ankles. He said that usually women at this stage just have cankles. Haha! Even with the swelling I'm managing to look somewhat normal. Yay!
Here are the stats and pictures for the week:

If you notice, in the bottom left corner of this picture is Caina. She has been following me around non-stop for nearly a week. It's been really cute :-)

*When is your due date? April 12, 2010, but who are we kidding?
*What week are you in? 37 weeks
*How much weight have you gained? +22lbs (no weight gain this week)
*Do you know the gender of your baby? If so, what? An eager little girl
*Do you have a name picked out? What? Aiden Ryelle
*Maternity clothes? I've found that I still have one pair of normal pants I can wear with a belly band (woohoo!)
*Stretch Marks? The initial ones are fading, but I'm still getting new ones :-(
*How are you feeling right about now? crampy, but very excited!
*Have you felt the baby move? She seems to be getting hiccups more and more. Poor girl!
*Sleep habits? * More Cynical laughter*
*Any food cravings? Not really...
*Anything you loved before that you absolutely cannot eat anymore? Pickles are really grossing me out
*Memorable Moment of the Week: A subleaser and hearing that delivery day is right around the corner
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