So at my appointment today, I found out that since Friday, I've gained another two pounds, which means that I've gained four pounds in one week! And my blood pressure went up 14points (still in the normal area, but still). Dr. Cook didn't think there was anything abnormal about it at all. "Oh, you're just retaining some water. Try to drink more water, eat less salt and put your feet up." I'm sorry, but if I've had a sample sent in because I have symptoms suggesting preeclampsia, and now I am showing even more symptoms of that condition--- I WOULD THINK THEY WOULD BE A BIT MORE CONCERNED, or at least not treat me like I'm overreacting. ARGH!!!
Onto other things than my rant:
I'm pretty sure this is going to be my last week of work. It takes me way too long to get up and down and I have to take way too many breaks for my own peace of mind. Nobody asks me to do anything because they feel bad for me and I feel bad that I can't do more than I'm doing. Therefore, I think it's time...
One good thing about the doctor appointment is that we heard Aiden's heartbeat and it's still sounding good. She is still head down, and is weighing in at about 4 1/2 lbs.
I'll be having my strep B testing done in a couple of weeks. Hopefully all of that will come back normal and I won't have to have any antibiotics during labor/delivery.
We have set a date to have our pregnancy pictures taken. Hopefully it will warm up a bit by March 15th! The baby shower is also coming up this Saturday. Yay! It'll be nice to have everyone together for the party.
We also potentially have a subleaser for our apartment. Hopefully we'll hear something soon. Then we can get moved into our new place and be settled before Aiden gets here. We've started on the packing. I'm definitely looking forward to being done with this whole thing!
Onto belly pictures:

*When is your due date? April 12, 2010, but please God sooner!
*What week are you in? 33 weeks
*How much weight have you gained? Up 21lbs- 4lbs in one week!!! AHHH!!!
*Do you know the gender of your baby? If so, what? A little girl
*Do you have a name picked out? What? Aiden Ryelle
*Maternity clothes? I can't believe some of them are getting SMALL!
*Stretch Marks?
*How are you feeling right about now? VERY FRUSTRATED
*Have you felt the baby move? She's using my ribs as playground equipments
*Sleep habits? Look out Benadryl! Here I come!
*Any food cravings? I really love salad and raw fruit
*Anything you loved before that you absolutely cannot eat anymore? Nothing new
*Memorable Moment of the Week: Not killing my doctor is a pretty memorable moment in my opinion, considering...
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