This past week has been full of excitements and disappointments.
We were supposed to be signing with a subleaser this past Monday. However, she had some unexpected family problems arise and had to cancel- permanently. We had another interested girl, but by the time we called her, she had already signed a lease with our complex. We went in to talk to our leasing office about everything and as sympathetic as they were, they claimed that there was nothing they could do- due to the equal housing act or some such. So once again we are on the look out for a subleaser. I was really hoping we could get moved in to our new place before Aiden's arrival, but at this rate, I'm not sure that's going to happen :-( Oh well. I just crunched the numbers and it doesn't look like it's going to set us back much more than moving now would. All I can say is thank God for tax refunds and vacation pay!
Onto a happier note- we have had such a nice week. I'm so happy for all of the warm weather! Caina and I can finally go for walks again and we can take the kids outside at work! Speaking of which, next week is my last week of work. I'm having so much trouble getting around, it's laughable. My boss told me that if I need to cut back my hours some days or call in, just to let them know. It's so great that they are going to work with me. If I had a desk job, I think I could stay until delivery, but toting babies around all day is a little too much in my state.
We also had an AWESOME baby shower! Thank you to my mom and Kathy for putting it all together. We had 30+ people and even more who couldn't make it that sent gifts and good wishes! It was so nice to get together and celebrate with everyone. I just hope I get a chance to talk more with everyone when Aiden gets here. So many people, means not enough time to talk. It took me nearly two hours to open gifts. So once I was done, most people were ready to go, I think! Haha! After the party, we had friends over until about 1:30. It was definitely a busy day!
My aunt Terry made hats! This one ended up a little big. So Aiden and I can have matching ones if we like, at least until she can fit into this one :-)
The grandmothers posing with the belly
Kaitlyn brought me an after delivery gift. How she loves me!
Oh how this dress shows off the bump!
The beautiful cake by Kathy, specially decorated with scrapbooking fun!
Sunday was very fun. We got to participate in the Wisley family maple syrup making tradition. It was my first experience and Dan's first since he was a kid. It was really interesting to go out and collect maple water from the sugar maple trees and boil it down to that yummy pancake companion. We didn't have a chance to finish, since it was getting so late, but Mark said he was going to finish it up on the stove. Hopefully, we'll have a finished product to taste this next Sunday!
Even Aiden joined in on the fun- being toted around by me is her favorite :P
Loading up the supplies
My first taste of sugar maple water. Mmmm...

Matt drinking the soon to be syrup!

Dan showing tree taps to Lilly and Jim (who graciously joined us for the fun!)
As for the belly news:

Aiden is definitely growing. I'm pretty sure she has gained a lot more since our last doctor
appointment. Everyone keeps looking at my belly in shock. I'm pretty sure I'm gaining three inches a week! I haven't been measuring, but that's what
it feels like. When we measured my waist at the baby shower it was a whopping 47 INCHES!!! I think she is definitely up from the 4 1/2 lbs that they last estimated. In fact, my belly button is about to pop! It's already bumped up at the edges. Dan actually got it to pop completely out just by pushing on my stomach. Yikes! As big as I think she is, she is still finding the room to move around. Although she seems to keep it to a minimum until late in the evening. I think we are definitely going to have a night owl on our hands! I'm also starting to have some regular sciatic pain, which is no fun. Dan has been so good. I get a massage whenever I need one. I don't know what I would do without him.
*When is your due date? April 12, 2010, but whenever she's ready, I'm ready!
*What week are you in? 35 weeks
*How much weight have you gained? Up 21lbs at the last appointment, I guess we'll see how much more I've gained this next Monday
*Do you know the gender of your baby? If so, what? A GIRL!!!
*Do you have a name picked out? What? Aiden Ryelle
*Maternity clothes? I can't believe I'm in large maternity clothes
*Stretch Marks? The only place I don't have stretch marks is right around my belly button where it used to be in instead of out :P
*How are you feeling right about now? Kind of sick- I need to kick this head cold
*Have you felt the baby move? All night!
*Sleep habits? Ugh! If I could sleep, I would tell you...
*Any food cravings? I just want salad, salad, salad!
*Anything you loved before that you absolutely cannot eat anymore? Nothing new
*Memorable Moment of the Week: An amazing baby shower!
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