At our doctor appointment, we did my group B strep test and the doctor checked my cervix. It turns out that I am 80% effaced and 2.5cm dilated! Woohoo! Easier labor for me, hopefully!!! The doctor was very confident that I would be delivering within three weeks and wouldn't be surprised if she came this week. When we left she said "See you next week, hopefully!". So we are making excellent progress!
We also had our pregnancy photo shoot with Jessie today! We spent a few hours up in the Broadripple area, snapping some seasonal shots. They are so sweet and there are so many that I am absolutely in love with. It's going to be hard to choose a few to frame. Here are some of my favorites:

To end the evening, Dan and I picked up all the remaining necessities for the baby. We now have our carseat, mattress, etc. Yippee! If she comes soon, we'll at least be more ready... I'm not sure we'll ever be ready ready ;-)
Speaking of being ready- I've actually been having contractions since yesterday at 8pm. Majorly bad on the ride home, not steady and extremely painful. Once we were home, they settled out at about 10pm to being 15min or so apart and not painful at all. This morning. They are 10min apart, 48 sec long and can feel some mild discomfort with the obvious tensing of the belly. I guess we'll see...
As for the fun facts:
*When is your due date? April 12, 2010- but I think we can all agree that they got that wrong!
*What week are you in? 36 weeks
*How much weight have you gained? +22lbs
*Do you know the gender of your baby? If so, what? I can't wait to meet my little GIRL!
*Do you have a name picked out? What? Aiden Ryelle- Little fire on the rye hill. I hope she's spunky!
*Maternity clothes? I've got some nice dresses that work really well. I think I will keep them forever, even if I'm not pregnant.
*Stretch Marks? Some of them are starting to fade :-)
*How are you feeling right about now? Sick, crampy, and a little miffed that my contractions don't seem to want to commit to a basic time table anymore :(
*Have you felt the baby move? She doesn't stop much... but we did get it videotaped finally! It just took Dan. She won't work for me. DEFINITELY a Daddy's girl already!
*Sleep habits? *Cynical laughter*
*Any food cravings? I can't even think of food right now. I just don't feel well.
*Anything you loved before that you absolutely cannot eat anymore? Anything with grease
*Memorable Moment of the Week: Hearing that we'll be meeting our little girl any time! I can't wait!
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