I didn't even think about it, but all of the pictures in this post sport Aidie in her Canada and Brasil onesies! Too funny! Any way, we have been quite a little rascal lately. She is very interested in swords, lightsabers, pretty much anything pokey. Here she is running off with her sword. As you can tell, Daddy is rather proud of his little warrior princess. lol.

But of course after a long day of sword play, even the greatest warriors get worn out. And boy has she been sleeping a lot lately: 12hrs at night and a 2+ hour nap during the day. She must be growth spurting or those teeth must really be doing a number on her. Either way, she has been grumpy in the morning like she hasn't slept well all night and once she's had her nap she does better.... completely opposite of usual. Can't wait til we make it over this growth bump!
On another note: This pic does capture how insanely adorable she is... and even a slight roll on her left leg! :-)

Also, For Steph: I was looking through her bigger girl clothes and found the little dress you got for her on your travels. Thank goodness I did, because I don't think it would have fit if I'd waited any longer! And I thought she'd never grow into it... I remember thinking the same thing when she was first born and we had bag after bag of bigger sized clothes. Now we're down to our last bag. How time flies!
Also: We went through a lot of my old toys, including my dress up clothes. While she loves to play with her own clothes, she wasn't interested in any of my old dress up clothes EXCEPT for the belt you see her sporting in this photo. She LOVES it! She keeps bringing it to me to put on her. She is too cute! There is also a suitcase full of dishes behind her that I found in my old closet. She has been having a constant tea party since we got them out. She definitely loves pretending to cook and eat.

And here are my efforts to take a pic of us together. She has been most uncooperative in regards to having her picture taken lately. She won't smile for anything- probably due to those darn teeth. So all the adorable pictures I've been trying to take, she keeps making very silly faces, such as this one that we will call the "annoyed Inara" face. Unmistakable from that lip curl and pout.
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