Well, It's a big deal at our house these days. Our little girl thinks she is quite the chef. And believe you me, her make believe tea is pretty darn good ;-) She has been cooking up a storm every day and just gets more and more interested. It is adorable. The other day she wanted to play with the grocery sacks (we had some paper sacks) and I asked her if she wanted me to save things to let her play grocery store. To which she responded a very enthusiastic "YES!" So we are now saving up old grocery item containers to let her play store. She is in love with being "big".

Not only does she like to cook with her oven mitt, but she also likes to pet the puppy and poke momma in the belly with the glove.

She has these little red placemats that have a woven texture. She loves to look through them and play peek-a-boo. She probably did this 5min straight the other day. Too adorable.

Also, she loves spaghetti! In fact, she loves it so much that we think she might have been trying to spell it in noodles the other night... well, not really, but it kind of looks that way. I swear we didn't do it! If you look to the right you can see the S-P-A... beginnings. So funny!

And of course, everyone has to have tea every day, even Manny Bear who not only gets to drink from a tea cup, but even occasionally from the tea pot! Hehe!
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