It's hot, it's miserable, it's time for tons of water! I'm pretty sure we have poured more water on our garden over these past couple of months than we have consumed. Our poor little plants are so thirsty... I think they would take a constant drink if we were able. When we get a place of our own- sprinkler system it is! Anyway... Aiden has been loving this because, not only does she love gardening- everything about gardening- but, she LOVES WATER! And we let her help with her own watering can which, of course, she promptly pours over her tiny toes the moment we step outside! Then she grabs her spade and away she goes to dig in the dirt. It's so fun! Anyway... Dan had the good idea of filling up a bucket of water and letting her splash around in it. So we did and she had a blast:
Giving Cainy dog a drink!

Watering the plants!

And of course running off...

And having to be captured!

She has been a bundle of mischievous little girl and we are having the time of our lives keeping up with her. How we ever would have handled twins I do not know!
On another note: Aidie has, as of late, been substituting pointing with kissing. She has gotten a fantastic knack for kissing now- just like a big girl!- and wants to kiss everything! It is too funny. Dan read her a book today and when asked "What are these?" (picture of blueberries), she promptly responds with "boobeawies. Mmmm..." and then plants a kiss on them! She did this for the ENTIRE book. When they got to the end there was a picture of a little boy, whom she kissed right as Dan turned the page. So of course Dan had to tease about "no more kissing boys" and she kept doing it and giggling. She thought it was tons of fun. I think we have a little lover on our hands ;-)
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