So it's been insanely HOT hear in poor little Indiana, with absolutely no rain to speak of (yes, poor sentence structure. I know). So we have been having to figure out how to beat the heat. This means hiking at 8am, gardening for 10min stretches throughout the day, and playing lots of DDR- Which, when asked if she wants to play DDR, Aiden screams "DANCE DANCE" and throws up her hands and runs to the living room. Too adorable! This girl loves her dancing! I guess it's dance recitals for us in the future :-)
Any way, So we went out for a hike down and back on trail 8, a nice short 1 1/2 miles and played on the playground with Daddy and Caina. Aiden's favorite part was definitely the little playhouse. Freedom- with mom and dad near by of course! As you can see, we had a pretty funny, sweaty time!

Aiden has also become really interested in different foods lately. She has never liked bananas, for instance, and now that's all she wants to eat. She is getting to be such a big girl! She also has an obsession with this purple glove we have. Too funny!

She has also been quite the little baking helper! She loves to help in the kitchen. So we always try to include her somehow. Yesterday, we made doughnuts and she got to shake them up in the cinnamon sugar. Shaking fun!

As for the 15month check up, it went a little different than normal. Her head has grown in proportion to her body and is now 45 1/2cm which is 25-50% up from the under 25% we have been. Her height has actually slowed a bit. She is measuring at 30.25in which is only 25-50%. Her weight is still a little troubling, as she is only around the 15% weighing in a whopping 21lb. 2oz. Her Cognitive and Motor development were much more exciting. She is now up to 2 years and 4months give or take a little. We are now working on drinking better from a cup, kicking balls, etc. She also got a polio vaccination, which, when the poor guy came in, she immediately started screaming and stopped as he gave her the shot... hmmm... a little drama in our lives...
As for an allergy update: not only is she allergic to chocolate, but I'm pretty sure white potatoes as well. There is a consistency in her food journal with eating those and her outbreaks- she developed hives last night and had to have benadryl. Poor girl. Hopefully, we get this all figured out soon enough and then no more outbreaks!
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