While I thought she may have developed a dislike of Cheerios without giving them a chance, she has changed her mind. Today, she decided that they weren't too bad after all!
We also did Aiden's first maple syrup experience. Saturday we went over to Mark and Kathy's to help put together jugs and collect the first samplings. Aidie got her very first taste of sugar maple water. She thought it was pretty cool! Unfortunately, we were supposed to attend the actual syrup party the next day and Aidie came down with a fever while we were there! So we had to leave rather early. Very sad, as she was getting a chance to play with a baby friend, as well as Uncle Matt and Megan. Maybe next time...

We also have an accident update. My husband's cousin was saying in her blog that she had her first parenting fail with Ella busting her lip. Well, I guess today was out turn. I was on the other side of the counter from Aiden making up a bottle when *CRASH* she turned over her push toy and blood was pouring out of her mouth. After some clean up I discovered a slight cut on her gums by her top right tooth and a busted lip. Poor thing is swollen but taking it great. I finally got her to chew on a icy teether and it took down the swelling a bit thank goodness! It looks awful. I feel so terrible, but I guess it has to happen to every kid at least a few times. With as independent as she is, I'm surprised this is the first major incident.

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