Holding the beginning of the snowbaby- Aidie's first snowball!
Aidie is now walking, albeit a bit unsteadily, only holding onto one of our hands. She prefers two, but can do one. So I forsee independent walking in the near future. Boy will we be in trouble then!
A sweet note: Aidie has a habit of crying in her sleep that just breaks my heart. When I put her down for a nap today, she giggled in her sleep- like she was having a good dream. Totally made my day! Speaking of bedtime- Dan came in last night to kiss her goodnight before I put her down and as he walked out the door she waved at him and said "bye bye". No prompting! Association!
I took Aidie for her first Psychology experiments the other day and she did very well. The Psych building is always looking for child volunteers. So we thought we would participate! She did one where she reached for a hidden toy in a box after it had been place in different parts several times. She did fine with this and reacted well for her age. We watched a power point after this, where she was supposed to look at shapes and cartoons to see how she focused. They were extremely pleased with this part, saying that she payed attention so well. Much better than expected! She apparently has a good attention span. That's good news!
And now for the surprise at the end of the update- Bathtime was hysterical, and I just had to share! Our very own little "Whovilian"! Who, for a verbal update, said "bathtub" during this exciting affair. TWO SYLLABLES!

How did YOU do dropping her off at daycare?
ReplyDeleteI cried for days... Now, I pretty much stand outside of the room in complete misery until she stops crying or I have to leave due to the time. I think we're doing pretty well. She hasn't cried more than 5-10min in days and is loving Miss Emily. No one else is allowed in the room though. She is apparently rather lacking in the fondness of other people coming into her room! Screaming fest :(