As for pregnancy news, we had another appointment this morning. Dr. Cook said that I looked about the same and that we'll just keep having these appointments until she decides to show up. Her heartbeat sounded good and she is measuring up EXTREMELY well. He guesstimated that she is about 7 1/2 lbs already! So please Aiden, for the love of my body, please come out on Sunday like my mother is predicting. I just don't think I can deliver a baby much bigger than that. She is my first one after all... it's not like I've had practice at this!
In regards to me, I've been feeling a bit under the weather lately. The doctor thinks it is being brought on by all of the acid reflux, which doesn't surprise me one bit. I have also stopped gaining weight. This will be something like three weeks now that I haven't gained weight. Yippee! I'm staying in my bracket! Hopefully this doesn't curse me and cause me to gain five pounds in a week.
Dan has been super sentimental lately. Every time he sees a baby he is all lovesick. He actually sat down with me and went through all (and I mean ALL) of her baby clothes the other night. He's also been leaving a shirt of his in her crib so that it will smell like him for her first nights sleeping there and she'll find it comforting. And even more is that he keeps looking at me with all of this fondness and telling me how beautiful I am and kissing my belly. If it isn't clear already, he is going to be the world's best father. Thank goodness I have him. I can't seem to get my hormones to settle and he's been SO good. At least I've been able to feel my angry spurts coming on lately. So I've been able to warn him. But it's still been rough. He's bearing my craziness like a champ.

*When is your due date? April 12, 2010, and it can't come soon enough... How does Easter sound Aiden?
*What week are you in? 38 weeks
*How much weight have you gained? +23lbs
*Do you know the gender of your baby? If so, what? A baby girl!
*Do you have a name picked out? What? Aiden Ryelle
*Maternity clothes? Oof. It's hard to get myself into ANYTHING these days...
*Stretch Marks?Fading finally
*How are you feeling right about now? Better now that I'm not driving, but really tired with all of the moving
*Have you felt the baby move? And it HURTS. She's getting too big!
*Sleep habits? Laying on my side hurts, laying on my back hurts, sitting up hurts, etc.
*Any food cravings? Turkey sandwiches
*Anything you loved before that you absolutely cannot eat anymore? Not really
*Memorable Moment of the Week: MOVING IN!!!
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