Aiden is definitely enthusiastic about the change in the eating situation. She is eating SO much. I am nursing at every other feeding (as that is all my supply will really allow for) and she is still taking 1-3.5 oz afterward. She is apparently as determined to gain weight as I am to put it on her.
I was a little worried that she may start preferring the bottle, being as the food is more readily available through that source, but she still always turns to nurse regardless of whether it is bottle or booby time (as every one has begun to affectionately call it!). It definitely makes me feel loved and wanted and DEFINITELY Makes me feel better about not producing enough. She wants me anyway :-)
As for development: Aiden is now lifting her head fairly well (although not holding it up for very long yet). She is also rolling to her side and looking for voices and sounds. She is definitely focusing better and mimicking us! My mom was making faces at her last night and Aiden started to make them back. Totally made her night!
We have had a good weekend with many out-of-towners stopping by. I didn't think I would be up for any kind of company, but it worked out. With Aiden adapting so well to the new feeding regime, I think we'll be ready to be out in the world in no time. Unfortunately this doesn't make talking on the phone any easier- sorry to everyone who never received a call back, got cut off, or cut short. Unless she's sleeping or Dan is home, talking on the phone is IMPOSSIBLE! Hopefully that will get better soon ;-)
The weight loss front is moving along amazingly! I have already lost 23lbs!!! I'm hoping that this rapid weightloss will either keep up, or give me a jump start into losing the weight that I wish I had lost before becoming pregnant. I only have 4lbs left to get back to pre-preggo weight, but many more after that to get down to what I would consider a comfortable, healthy weight.
Onto baby pictures!

Always a hand in the face/mouth
Caina standing guard

Off to an outing
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