As for since Aiden's birth: We had her first doctor appointment last Friday. She weighed 6lbs. 10oz. was measured at 19 3/8in (I know it is weird that she seems to have shrunk, but the nurse said it's normal for measurements to be off a little), and her head measured at 34cm.

That being said, we had a great day yesterday and so far today! She and I worked really hard on the breastfeeding and I think we are doing well. She is eating less often, but more regularly. This is supposed to be a good sign- every two to three hours for 5- 60 min. She had five wet diapers and finally had a transition to breastfed poopy diaper! Yippee! You would never expect a parent to be excited about poop, but when there's an issue, you can't help but be happy that it is resolving itself. She also only woke once last night to nurse- right at her four hour mark. So hopefully this pattern will keep up!
She has also been staying awake much more than she used to. We are finally having a chance to spend time with her awake side! She is such a funny, beautiful, and interested little girl. She is now tracking things and can find who is talking to her and look at them. She is also starting to focus on objects farther from her than before. She has taken an interest in the toys on her bouncy seat- not reaching for them yet, but she is focusing on them. She is smiling (my crooked smile!) and laughing the cutest little laugh I have ever heard. I know that it probably isn't reactionary at this point, but the other day it seemed like it was. I was trying to nurse her at my parents' house and was using a blanket to cover up. Both of us were under the blanket trying to get situated and the blanket kept falling off of my head and onto hers. Every time this happened she laughed! I know the experts say babies don't have reactionary laughs until later, but I swear she is starting a little early. Either way, it was SUPER CUTE!

Other notes: She definitely likes to "talk" to us already. She makes lots of cute baby sounds and we just love it.
She is also in love with her hands. When she feels she has nothing better to do, or would like to nurse, she sucks on them. Which is so endearing, especially since she came out of the womb that way. As soon as she had a free hand, it was in her mouth! Pretty well instantaneous!
In regards to me: I HAVE LOST 18 LBS. AS OF TODAY!!! YIPPEE!!!
Well, we are off to Nashville today! It's supposed to be nice out and we could stand to rid ourselves of cabin fever. I'll have to post pictures of that later. For now enjoy the pictures from out time at the hospital and I'll try to get newer ones uploaded SOON!
So exciting!! We can't wait to come down and see the Wisling!!
ReplyDeleteAnd BTW... That is Dr. Laughlin, the doctor who, believe it or not, delivered me and administered medicine to me well into college... Weird. :D
Love, Lilly!