On April 12, 2010 Dan and I loaded up the car with all of our hospital bags and set off for an 8 o'clock induction (we did quite a bit of ridiculous videotaping on the way!). At 9:20, the nurse, Becky, did my check and determined that I was 4- 41/2 cm dilated, 90% effaced, -1 station, ripe, positioned, and ready to go! She also couldn't feel much of a bag of water, which means I must have been leaking some that week. We called our parents afterward to inform them that we would be starting the induction in an hour and a half (Dr. Wood was in surgery at the time). Dr. Wood broke my water at 10:30 since I was already far enough along. I started contracting about 20min. later which of course made me gush amniotic fluid every time (completely gross feeling by the way!). The water was clear- a good sign. Dr. Wood and my nurses got a kick out of my being grossed out by my water breaking. I'm kind of glad my parents didn't show up until later, because this was quite humiliating, even if it is perfectly natural. I was very thankful for the great medical staff. Contractions started and were painful but manageable for the first 40min. After that, they picked up speed and intensity very quickly. By the end of my first hour, I was not getting any breaks from the contractions. I would have a small contraction that I could focus my breathing techniques on, but would start a big contraction immediately afterward. These were so bad by the end that I was silently begging for death, as I couldn't breathe let alone speak. Dan said I reminded him somewhat of a scared cat- bulging eyes, shaking. Apparently my concentration would not be broken. I was finally able to communicate enough to say that I needed an epidural. So after 3hours of monsterous contractions, I was relieved. So much for that natural birth I was picturing. Apparently I was dilating a cm. an hour (probably the reason for the sudden intense contractions). So I was at 7cm. and 100% effaced when I got the epidural. At 4:45, I was at 9.5cm, 0 station, but I didn't progress by the end of hour like they had hoped. In fact, I had not progressed AND Aiden had flipped herself around backwards. So we waited and I was flipped from side to side in the hopes that she would turn back around and I would finish dilating. Finally, at 10pm, I got to start pushing. Although Aiden hadn't turned all the way around, she did some and I had finished dilating. Crazy as it may seem, 33min later little Aiden was caught by an unsuspecting doctor, who hadn't quite finished clearing baby's air passage. I can't believe it went so quickly. Those kegels must really do the trick! I did have a second degree tear, but it's healing fine. I don't even have to take the Loritab anymore!

Little Aiden was born at 10:33 while we watched via a mirror, which I didn't normally intend to have, but I'm so glad that I did. It was the perfect focal point. It made me realize that I could do anything just to see her. She had tons of dark curly hair, weighed 7lbs, 6oz and was 19.5 inches long. She is absolutely beautiful and looks exactly like Dan only with my face shape. So with little Aiden entering the world, there were lots of smiles, tears and tons of people to great her. We are so blessed to have so many people who love her already!

Unfortunately for them, Aiden decided that she wanted to nurse for an hour and a half after getting cleaned up. So no one really got to see her until after 1am! We have some great friends and family for sticking around so late! Little Aiden was greeted by mommy, daddy, Grammy and Grampa King, Grandma and Grandpa Wisley, Uncle John, Uncle Matt, Lilly, Jim, Mike, and Erin. Justin stopped in earlier, but missed the birth. We were able to introduce Aiden to so many more friends and family over the next couple of days. Thank you everyone who stopped by to visit. Aiden may not remember, but we always will.
We got to move over to post partum around 3am and she slept really well (2, 3 and 4 hr. stretches!). We had our physical check with Dr. Laughlin at 7:30am that morning. Dan went with her since I still couldn't move around very well. She was pronounced a very healthy little girl.

Now we're home and figuring out how to be parents! It's quite an adventure by we are loving it. Dan said the sweetest thing the other night. He said that a lot of people think about how they have to get up in the middle of the night, have to change dirty diapers, have to breastfeed and become horribly sore. But we get to do these things. It's such a special time and getting to be a part of it is amazing!

Now she's a week old! She weighs 6lbs, 10oz. and is finally figuring out breastfeeding (along with myself). We made a trip to the doctor today after a horrible pooping session and a 12hr refusal to eat. She's finally eating normally and hopefully her diapers will follow suit. We have an appointment to see the lactation consultant on Thursday for some extra help in that department. Hopefully all will go smoothly and we'll get her weight up to where everyone feels comfortable.