Caina and "Mr. Roper"

Christmas morning at the Wisley homestead

Photo Carousel for Aiden's room featuring Dan's photography
This has definitely been a very busy week! Now that Christmas is officially over, I have a second to sit down and blog a bit. It has been so nice to get together with everyone, even if it was just for a few minutes (Sorry Grandma Wisley!). It just left me with no time for updates. Well, here we go:
I went to the doctor earlier this week because I've been suffering from some massive congestion that just would not go away. The doctor said it seemed to be viral, and I think she was right as I feel pretty good now without medication. During the appointment, I had a sonogram to check up on Aiden and BOY! Was she MOVING! All we could here for the first bit of the sonogram was this swoosh swoosh of her twisting, turning, somersaulting, kicking, punching action! When the doctor finally heard the heartbeat, it seemed almost masked by all the other noise from little Aiden, busybody! It was so incredible to be able to hear her moving around in there. She was pretty quite at our last sonogram, so this was a complete change. Poor Dan! I just thought this would be a quick diagnosis of my symptoms and out. So he was at work through it all :-( Hopefully she'll be up for another show when we go back on January 12th!
Speaking of performances, she was finally up for letting the grandmas feel a kick or two. My poor mother has been trying for weeks to get a kick out of Aiden and every time she puts her hand on my stomach, she stops moving. Stubborn child on the way? It's a definite possibility! Well, she finally went a major kicking spree yesterday and Grammy got to feel! Dan's mom got to feel quite a bit too, as we were over at Dan's parent's house in the early morning (that and evening are her most active times). So Kathy got to feel some good kicks!
Aiden has definitely been on the move and experimenting with lots of new positions. She likes to try the head down position when I'm walking around. This makes me nearly double over, but I'm not really sure why; it doesn't hurt. I can straighten myself back up, but it's so much pressure that I'm not used to feeling. It makes it difficult to compensate sometimes.
As for the excitement of the holidays: We have apparently found our calling in the candy-making business. Since we were broke, we decided on homemade gifts this year. The chocolate covered cherries, especially, were a big hit! I guess we know what to do next year.
As for our generous relatives: Thank you to Mum and Daddy for our new crib! What a fabulous surprise after all of the gifts were opened! I can't wait to get it all set up!
Thanks to my brother John we now have a new bookcase for Aiden's room, which we DESPERATELY needed. Our other two are full and overflowing. I've been having to store books in empty drawers about the house. Now all of our kids books can find their way into Aiden's room!
Thank you to Mark and Kathy who not only got us a sewing machine, which I am greatly anticipating trying my hand at (I can't wait to make some curtains, quilt, etc. for Aiden!), but also a video camera so we can catch all of Aiden's first and later moments.
And last but not least a special "Thank you" to Matt for the book on telling us how Not to screw up our daughter (even though it will probably happen anyway).
We have such a generous family! We will definitely be well prepared for Aiden when she gets here! Only 3 1/2 more months! Happy Holidays everyone!
Belly Pictures for this week:

*When is your due date? April 12, 2010
*What week are you in? 24 weeks
*How much weight have you gained? +6.5 lbs
*Do you know the gender of your baby? If so, what? A bouncing baby GIRL!
*Do you have a name picked out? What? Aiden Ryelle
*Maternity clothes? daywear and jammies
*Stretch Marks? I think some of the earlier ones are fading, but new ones are still making their debut
*How are you feeling right about now? Hungry
*Have you felt the baby move? All day, every day
*Sleep habits? Sleep, wake up, repeat 10+ times
*Any food cravings? Not really
*Anything you loved before that you absolutely cannot eat anymore? Just cucumbers now and I still haven't braved hummus again
*Memorable Moment of the Week: Hearing all of that movement during the sonogram! Spending time with family and friends for the holidays.