But we did have a very nice Thanksgiving. Aidie didn't nap, but that was okay. She had a blast playing with everyone and I'm pretty sure made Uncle David's day by giving him a kiss! Lol!
She initially tried to hide all of her toys from Iroh and Xaeden, but ended up sharing toward the end. Way to grow, little girl! I'm so proud of you :-)
Of course we also had to put up our holiday decor. Aidie is a big helper!

And ornament breaker... oh but look at the wonder in her eyes and she contemplates ways to get the pretty dolly out of the tree...

And hangs up her ornaments
And of course the only photo with mommy, mommy is giving daddy a "is this really the picture you're choosing to take" look. Love you, Dan!

Wishing you all a happy holiday season. I can't wait to share more soon. Aidie is growing and getting smarter and busier by the second. Her potty training is going well. She is finally healthy. And I love being her mommy! It's the best!
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