This is going a be a picture post. Enjoy :-)
Aiden has been so funny lately. She is developing all of these hysterical quirks like demanding to take her hat collection to daycare and eating grilled cheese with a spoon!

Pear picking day was awesome! She carried this pear around the entire time and munched away...mmmm...

My brave brave husband, picking our bountiful produce.

All the helpers. Aidie REALLY wanted to climb the ladder. She couldn't understand why we wouldn't let her....

Halloween was spent at the Indianapolis Children's Museum. My adorable little butterfly!

Our family photo. Got to love the faces this kid comes up with...

Proud Daddy with his newly blossomed caterpillar

This was definitely Aidie favorite part of the children's museum. Sand! Woohoo! We couldn't get her to even consider anything else for at least 20min. She was very devoted to this place!

Here we are planting flowers. This place has really improved since I was a kid. There is SO much to do even for toddlers.


It may be the most common toy ever, but Aidie loves beads and insisted that we play for a while on these doctor office favorites.

Here is part of the "Barbie Experience" Aidie is walking the runway and checking out the DJ equipment. Way to multi-task Aidie!

I loved this Egypt tour. Of course Aidie only wanted to climb on and off of all the statues. LOL

And here she is wrestling a giant crocodile at the finale of our trip. The next Steve Irwin replacement.
Anyway for quick updates. Aidie had a great 18month check up. She is still a tiny tot. Only weighing in at 22lbs not much over the 10%, but her length is up to 35in and her head is actually in the 75% this time around. Really boosting up there! She is really enjoying daycare now and never wants to leave. Too much fun! I'm glad we decided to stay. She is definitely feeling comfortable now. She is in full swing of the terrible twos: full body tantrums and power struggles. But also wonderful personality development, new words and lots of hugs and kisses. She really is a sweet and thoughtful child 70% of the time ;-) We have just hit major emotional development. Those hormones are pumping it all up a notch. Teenagedom is going to a nightmare...
As for Dan and I, all is well. Work is great. I love school and love going in every day (except for not being able to be with Aidie of course). So glad I have a job I love- can't wait to find a certified position though.
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