Aiden has been having the best time going outside these past several weeks. Last week we went out to Mark and Kathy's and let Aidie help out in the garden. We dug up potatoes for dinner and Aidie helped to pick them out. Of course, I'm not sure if she more enjoyed pulling them out of the dirt or getting them out of the basket!

We had lots of fun looking for tadpoles too! Aidie is a bit obsessed with water and loved looking at the pond. Too cute!

We've also been having fun at home. Aidie has been playing with egg cartons and eggs and I have been trying to learn to use my sewing machine by making cloth wipes. Now that a whole year has passed I've realized that it is so dumb for me to use disposable wipes and cloth diapers. So I'm making wipes for the remainder of her diapered life. As she is refusing to use her potty now, it may be a while.
She has been absolutely adorable when going to sleep lately. She wants to cuddle really close when being rocked to sleep. So she wraps her arms around my neck and presses her cheek into mine and God forbid if I move... Not that I do, I love it!
Her allergies are apparently none of the major variety. She was tested for nine different things including: wheat, eggs, fish, milk, vanilla, soy, and some nuts. So we are still working it out. She had a dinner of watermelon, baked potato and broccoli the other night and broke out again. So I'm home testing...
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