This past week afforded Dan and I a bit of a break. Aidie spent Saturday with Grandma and Grandpa Wisley and Dan and I went of to a quaint little herb garden in Commiskey with my parents. We had a nice, relaxing time, though we missed Aidie terribly. It was rough to be away from her after having been with her every day, all day. We had a nice time though and probably the best food EVER!

While we were there, an adorable little goat got out of its pen. So I got to cuddle it, while my mother fetched one of the owners and we got it back with its mother safe and sound.

The gardens were very creative and one featured a mirror that allowed people to take pictures of themselves. Funny.

As for Aidie, she has had a rather odd week, though not bad at all. She has shown me some of the best stacking I've ever seen for a kid her age. She actually managed to stack three off these. I was pretty impressed! She loves plastic bottles.

Aidie has taken a liking to one of Dan's StarWars toys. She keep trying to ride it like her tricycle.

Cheesy picture!

She was willing to wear hats the other day and kept wanting to pat them on her head to make sure they were in place. We had a hillarious time trying on different ones.

Aidie has discovered a love for watermelon and will eat as much as we give her. She loves it!
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