We've actually been pretty terrible the last couple of weeks and haven't taken hardly any pictures. So I snapped one to accompany the fun she had playing with daddy the other day.
We have been surprisingly busy the last couple of weeks for many reasons... Father's Day, my mother's birthday, Anniversary, Interview, and more. We had a wonderful Father's day. For Dan, Aidie and I went to Sears and had pictures taken with his teddy bear and baby blanket. He loved them of course! We even made him well up. Score one for us! For my mom's birthday, we also went and had family pictures taken. They ended up very nice and we even took a couple extra of Aiden just for fun. She always enjoys something new. If you're interested, check out the addresses on the bottom of the page to see the pics we took!

Dan and I celebrated our third anniversary this past Tuesday. We didn't do much, but we did have a date... which was just nice. We went and had tea and then saw a movie. It was just nice to get away and be a couple. It doesn't happen too often these days.
I have also had an interview with a school in Marion that I really liked. I'm just waiting to hear back probably next week. I was offered an interview for a school in Gary, but Dan won't allow that. Fair enough. The mafia does reside there I suppose... I'm also waiting to hear from Lighthouse, as I assumed I would get an interview for there as the principal actually asked me to fill out an application to accompany my resume. If they weren't interested, they wouldn't ask, right? Any way... Need a job!

As for Aidie she is doing great and growing like a weed. She is so smart and shocked the socks off her pediatrician the other day when she pointed to his reflex hammer and said "blue"- which is the color it was. She has also recently added, Jessie, Iroh, love and Camel to her list of words she can say. It is so cute to listen to her talk!
We are really into stacking, reading, puppets and balls right now. Anything that rolls or she can throw is an automatic favorite.
Her hair is getting super blond in the summer sun and as we walk for about 45min every day, it gets a lot of bleach time. Just wish we had a yard so we could play outside more!
She is learning how to put on and take off her clothes. She can take off socks, shoes, pants if they're lowered and shirt once her arms are out. She learned how to put her shoes on today- with a little help and always helps with her shirts in the morning. What a big girl!
Another adorable thing she is doing is playing in her kitchen. She loves mixing us up things in her kitchen and then bringing them to us to have us "taste" and make yummy noises. She makes the biggest smile! She is always so proud.
She has also learned to drink from a straw! Go Aidie! And can walk down steps holding only one hand.
So As I said we've been BUSY!
For our little bit of concerning news, Aidie has an appointment to go to Riley tomorrow because she keeps having terrible flare ups of awful itchy eczema. From the best I can tell, it seems to show up when she eats vanilla yogurt. So we are going to Riley to have her tested so it doesn't get any worse. Normally, I would just avoid the yogurt, but since we don't know what in the yogurt to avoid, it poses a problem. Mostly because food allergies, unlike other allergies, can be mild one time and spike anaphylaxis the next. SO... we are going to find out the culprit and stop it in its tracks! We would appreciate all the prayers we can get!
As promised: Links for photos! Enjoy :-)