Well, my little girl is one month past her first year! I can't believe that she is full in the swing of toddlerhood. Mood swings, tons of energy and curiosity like I would never have imagined. She is in to EVERYTHING! She is also doing lots of song-games like Itsy Bitsy Spider that she is doing for Caina in the picture above.

They both love to be outside and when they can't be outside, they love to look out the windows. But Aiden is pretty determined to go outside as much as possible.

She has become quite the little artist lately. She loves to color! This day she wanted to put her picture up on the fridge, but then decided she wasn't done yet. So she went back to the crayons and colored some more and then took the picture back to the fridge. She did this over and over again. So fun!

She has the most adorable giggle ever!

We have discovered a love of tomato sauce! I made the mistake of packing some when we went out to eat... not a good choice!

Uncle John got a motorcycle! Aiden got the first "ride". She wasn't really sure what to think, but Uncle John felt pretty cool ;-)

As I promised, pictures of the family together with my Aunt Lucia visiting! It was so great to see her again. She doesn't get the chance to come up to the states very often. So it quite the occasion when she does!

I had to include this last part because I think it is so cool. My parents have become beekeepers. They were waiting for bees to become available when hive just made themselves at home. Here are my Uncle Bill and Father exploring the progress.
Her hair looks so light in some of the pictures! Cannot wait to see you (and you guys too!)
ReplyDeleteMe too! Hope we can get together soon and that your flight is easy :-)