Onto Miss Aidie: We had our zoo trip, even though most everyone already had plans. Aunt Lilly came along and we had a ton of fun. Exhibit A is an adorable hat Aunt Lilly found at work for $.69! Super find!

I'm not exactly sure what is going on here. I'm assuming either a tickle or Aunt Lilly is showing Aidie the size of a peanut.

Here is Aidie looking at the cheetahs. She kept trying to pet them through the glass! It was so cute!
On a more disturbing note: Here is the tiger considering Aidie as a pint sized snack. The tigers paced back and forth in front of her the entire time we were there. I told Dan that it was making me nervous (yes, I know there is a ton of glass between her and them) and he told me to "just enjoy the opportunity". Men.

Overall, we had a very nice, very tiring time. Aidie slept awesome! Which is saying something as she hasn't been sleeping well at all. I think owing to the possible yeast infection she has developed. White sores on her little bottom. Ouchy... trying some new cream to see if it helps! The diaper cream is doing nothing :( She learned a new word, but unfortunately it was due to a needed diaper change to which she promptly responded "NO NO NO!" Poor little tush must hurt :(