Our baby is officially ONE YEAR OLD! It has been an amazing year! I can't believe it has gone by so incredibly quickly. Today, one year ago, we came home from the hospital with our little girl and were so supported by friends and family while we learned to be parents (still learning!). I thought this day would never come. Just like I thought she would never be awake longer than a few hours every day, roll over, crawl, walk or talk, or grow out of her newborn clothes!
So since it is Aidie's birthday week (we will have more post after tomorrow's PARTY!) I thought I would put in some fun bits about Aidie that we are always being asked:
1. How did she get her name: Daniel and Justin discussed creating a video game and in the story premise there was a girl named Aiden. I LOVED THAT NAME! So ever since hearing it, I told Dan that if/when we had a little girl that would be her name. Ryelle- Dan and I love the Abhorsen Trilogy and there is a random character with that name. It stuck. I loved it. End of name story. We also considered: Jerusalem Dawn. I have an obsession with city names...
2. Does she sing yet: YES. Mostly in the car. But randomly we will hear her singing "lalala" to herself in a melodic sort of way. Very cute.
3. How many words can she say: That is very difficult. She recently participated in a psychology experiment concerning reactions to parental choices and I had to select each word that she could say from an extensive list. From this I have gathered that she can say at least 25+ words. Her most recent word she learned today: Mammal. I know it sounds incredible, but it's true. My mother showed her a picture of a dolphin and we told her it was a mammal and she said mammal. What can I say... She is kind of exceptional...
4. Where does she get those pretty eyes and hair from: Daddy. Strictly Daddy.
5. How big is she: 29 in. long (75%), 19lbs. 13oz (25%), 44cm head (>25%)
6. Latest achievements: walking, climbing onto the chest in our room. Walking down stairs with assistance, washing her toys, trying to dress herself (no go, but she tries), brushing hair and teeth!
7: Teeth: 6
8. How advanced is she: We are at 21month status as of right now. We will now be working on stacking three blocks, running, and dressing ourself.
9. Are we having more: NO! Even if we changed our minds (which is an occasional conversation) Aiden does not like this idea one little bit and she would have to be somewhat on board.
Now for some fun pictures. Enjoy!

Can't wait for the party tomorrow (will post Aidie birthday pics with that post!). Post again soon!
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