Sorry it has taken so long for me to post. I feel like we get busier and busier everyday, as Aiden is more and more mobile! We had such a great time at the birthday party. Thank you to everyone who made her party a fantastic memory. I still cannot believe how many people (EVEN WITH ALL HE RAIN!) showed up. I think we had between 35-38 people inside Mark and Kathy's house. And no one got lost! We had such a wonderful time seeing everyone. I hope we can see everyone again before another year has passed! Enjoy the pictures- we have TONS more, but I tried to pick a few highlights! Enjoy :-)

Here is Aidie's birthday cake. We were looking into healthier alternatives and since she didn't take to apple cake, we turned to jello. Thank you for the hysterically clever cake, Kathy!

Here is our little family! Having a fantastic time at Aidie's party!

Hmmm... what do I do about that? To answer that question- let's blow it out together and NOT grab the flame!

Mmmm! Duck is better than cake!

But cake is pretty good too... let's squish it, and maybe put a little in the mouth along the way. My little picky eater!

So, we forgot Aidie's highchair and her booster seat isn't high enough to reach the table. But Dan's lap was. Brave, brave Daddy!

The only child who has ever been more interested in her cards than her gifts. And I thought that I would have to drill that concept into her...

This picture just makes me laugh: Same expression!

And of course she is super excited about the non-toy present. So Funny: Shampoo/Body wash. Thank you Jessie, Jared, Iroh and Bonty for the Earth and body friendly suds. Aidie loves it already!

Of course Aiden took forever to open everything being as she is still practicing the art of unwrapping. So all the kids got antsy and wanted to help. Too cute!

I love this. I really really wanted this potty for Aidie for her birthday. My parents purchased (thanks Mom and Dad!) and the first thing she does is unwrap, climb up and SIT on it. I guess she already knew what to do! LOL!
Speaking of the potty. We have already started potty training. Whenever we go potty we are taking her with us to go as well. She has now peed twice and pooped twice in her little potty! WE ARE SO PROUD!!!

These were the cutest little things. Little floating turtles (I'm a little partial to turtles). Aidie thought they were about as cool as ducks.

Our party ended pretty well on time. It was so nice to see old friends! Aidie was sure to offer everyone something before they left- even if it wasn't a party favor! What a sweet, polite little girl we have!
Other Updates:
- Aidie has had a horrible congestion issue that we are still trying to clear up. We have her on antibiotics again and we are supposed to keep her on it until this clears up, even if it takes refills. Apparently she either has a virus we just can't kick or she is catching cold after cold. However, her poor little nose and sinuses need a rest!
- We have officially moved to the big kid room at daycare. She loves having more freedom to roam! They have activity time and gym time in the bigger room and this is just perfect for her since she needs a little more these days.
-She has really been using the words: moo and fish: lately and dolphins are officially "mammals". So funny!
-Aidie now knows her nose, belly, ear and foot and is working on finding everyone else's too!
- Aidie is constantly bringing us book after book to read. She'll pick one up and carry it over to one of us and may all Hell break loose if we don't read it right away!
-Mommy is looking for a teaching position. So if you know of any let us know please!
Of course your daughter would take forever to unwrap her presents!!! that made me laugh- I always give you your gifts in bags because you take so long!
ReplyDeletelove you
Of course... she was so cute!
ReplyDeleteLove you too!