Aidie always has this super intense look on her face of: "Yes. Can I help you with something? Oh... these? They are toes and are quite fascinating. Now if you wouldn't mind, I would like to return to my previous dilemma of attempting to fit them in my mouth. Thank you." She's quite the little proper lady in my head. LOL.
I think that at some point in every blog I have exciting news, but Aidie's little life has just been one excitement after another. So, surprise, surprise, we have another exciting news flash: Aidie is now rolling over back to front AND front to back! Yippee! So exciting. She rolled over back to front for the first time yesterday evening. She was playing under her play gym rolling side to side and just went over. I think it kind of surprised her, and no wonder as she got stuck on the side of the play gym. When I moved it, she went all the way on her tummy and she had this look on her face:
I feel like it says "What the heck just happened!?!" Super exciting!
On other news. We are happy and healthy. She and daddy are still having some issues getting used to one another. I think it may be better when we send her to daycare and there aren't mommy smells about all the time. She is just particularly fussy for daddy and super excited and happy for me, which makes daddy feel bad... I just keep telling him that while she may want me more now, his time is coming. Most girls are daddy's girls at some point ;-)
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