My, my, how time does fly!
Two weeks have passed and I haven't had a single moment to write. I am full time teaching now and Kindergarten is A LOT of work. They should get paid more. More than anyone else. I'm not sure doctors do this much work. I'm sure I work close to 70hrs a week. So the time spent is also comparable. $30,000 a year? To start? I am laughing. I applaud you people who stick with it. As for me, I am quickly realizing that I don't think I'm cut out for this age group. I just don't get them. I try very hard, but I just stink at teaching kindergarten. Sixth grade, I was awesome! Kids loved and respected me. Kindergarten? I'm either making them cry or they're running all over me. Argh! But I will do my best. I may be an awful kindergarten teacher, but they still deserve to learn something...

Anyway. Enough of my pouting and onto the baby!
Daddy was sick this past Monday. So I was home with the two of them all day. Daddy is still recovering but doing better and Aidie hasn't caught what it is/was. Thank GOD!
We have been having lots of fun. We have recently been doing lots more "big girl" things. We had applesauce the other day (home made from orchard apples!). Aidie ate SO MUCH! We probably pureed a third of an apple and she ate the whole thing! And they were BIG apples. Dan has apparently been sneaking her tastes of things. such as orange juice and pear juice... She is really wanting food food. I believe it is time!

She has also been showing quite the aptitude for music over the past couple of weeks. Which we are SUPER excited about. She loves listening to anything with strings as compared to horns (we are NOT a fan) and we are still loving to dance to loud music. She had a dance party with Grammy and Grampy King the other day. I got over to pick her up and the music was blaring and she was happy as a clam :-) She is also super interested in the keyboard. I don't have a piano. So when I want to play, I use my keyboard and she has been playing with me. We sing a song every night before bed and the funniest thing happened today: I was singing and playing and she was "playing" too. Well, I stopped to let her play by herself, but then she stopped too. So I started back up again and so did she. We did this a couple of times until I decided I would stop playing and just sing. Well, as long as I kept singing, she kept playing! It was hysterical! I wish I'd had a video camera recording!
Other big thing is that she is now book obsessive. She loves to hold books and turn the pages for me when we have story time. She is particularly fond of texture books and is REALLY enjoying A Giraffe and a Half by Shel Silverstein. Guess all that reading when I was pregnant paid off!
I just pulled out all of her 6-9 month clothes today. She is getting so big! I can't believe she is fitting into them. I have to stop myself from crying every time I look at an outfit she can't fit into anymore. It's not that I'm sad she's getting bigger, I don't know what it is... Just the realization that she is growing up already! Part of it too is that my milk supply is quickly on its way out the door. I have enough for maybe a couple snacks a day and that's about it. That has also been making me super emotional (as I always had a rough time). So I think it is all just coming together at once.

We have Aidie signed up for daycare too. She is probably going to start here within a few weeks we think. Poor Daddy has had more than he could handle for a while. This will give him a bit of a break to move onto a new job possibly!

Anyway. Pretty good couple of weeks. We are growing, teething (still none yet!), and charming.
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