Very exciting week! We went to the doctor on Monday, as Aidie still wasn't pooping properly... even after everything we had done. We now have her on stool softner- miralax. IT WORKS!!!! For the first time in her life, Aiden is pooping like a baby! I cried. I actually cried when she pooped for the first time like she should. It has been so awful to watch her struggle in pain these past three months. To finally see her able to have a bowel movement without pain is beyond wonderful. Especially as her last hard stool came with a little bit of blood.

She has been happy all day today! Granted we have changed about ten poopy diapers, but I don't even care. It is totally worth it if that is what it takes for her to feel better. I am really looking forward to the crying fits during sleep to end and many happy, healthy days ahead.
When we went to the doctor, we discovered that, with clothes and needing a diaper change, she weighed 13lbs. 10z. So, naked and clean diapered, she probably weighs about 12lbs. 10oz. or so. She is getting so big! Still long and skinny, but big!
She is sitting up so well these days. She isn't wobbly at all when we put her in the bumbo seat and she even sits for a moment in the boppy without falling. She is getting steadier on her feet when she hold our hands. She is also grabbing at toys for the first time. She was sitting in her bouncy seat and grabbed the musical pull chain by herself. It was so exciting! I can't believe how fast she is growing up. It makes me cry when I think that some day she will one day be an adult with her own family and not needing me anymore, but it is still such a wonderful blessing to watch her as she grows.

We also went to the fair this past week. We took Aidie to see the animals and exhibits. She slept through most of it, but woke up for the smaller animals. She really enjoyed looking at the birds and rabbits. So fun! We also got to look at the pictures daddy entered in the fair for the first time. Five blue ribbons and a champion. Good job Daddy!
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