Well, I have FINALLY caught Aidie on film. I can (kind of) prove that she is rolling over. She did it three times the other day. Yippee! Very active child :-) She is constantly wiggling, wanting to sit or stand and chattering away. Daddy has started playing the blanket parachute game with her. She LOVES it. What a busy little girl we have!
She had her first shot vaccination this week- the pnuemococcal vaccine. She did really well. The only affect I noticed was her being a bit more sleepy. She wasn't even fussy. If anything, it made her mellow- unlike her usual busy, high strung self. Not saying she is a nervous baby, just demanding and impatient. Haha! I am her mother, right? High maintenance woman, here we come ;-)

We also went to a friend's birthday party this past week. Auntie Savanna turned 24 and we were there to watch her blow out the candles. Aidie also got to meet Lynn and Sally, whom she enjoyed. Overall, it was a nice time.

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