Well, Aiden is definitely getting more active (or more obviously so). My belly seems to roll around on its own all the time now. I really need to get out the video camera and record it. It is so sweet to watch, especially when Dan is reading to her. She gets so excited! We've also started doing family prayer time, to help Dan feel more comfortable praying out loud before she gets here. She had been really active before, but seemed like she was settling into a comfy spot when we started praying. It's so funny how she reacts to things. I know it's just mood and tone of voice she's reacting to, but it seems like she has so much personality already!
On the homefront: Dan has a new job beginning March 1st. Thank goodness. It will at least be something until he can find something better. We are still trying to find a subletter and are finishing the application process with the complex we are hoping to move into. As frustrating as this has been, at least baby shower arrangements are under way. And my cousin Jessie is going to take pregnancy photos for me and Dan. She is fabulous with a camera (as can be seen by my senior pictures and wedding photos) So that gives us a couple of things to look forward to in the near future, even if it doesn't make me any less stressed.
Other fun tidbits: We got my cloak finished this past week. Yippee! It is SO much more comfortable than trying to zip my coat. It's also really fun to watch people as I walk by. They either think it's the coolest thing ever, or starting snickering to whomever they are standing by. It's kind of funny... although I'm thinking of pulling out a dish of my pregnancy hormones for one of the wry smilers.
Also, all of our babies at work are steadily getting sick one by one. We're talking projectile vomiting and the most horrendous diapers I've ever seen. It's obviously contagious as it seems to be spreading from one room to another. Hopefully the germs stay away from me. I'm drinking tons of orange juice and sleeping a lot. So I'm at least doing my part to stay healthy. Now if only parents would keep their children home when they're sick, instead of bringing them in when CLEARLY they are still ill. Argh! I understand about being busy, but seriously!!! If you can't make your child's health a priority, you shouldn't be allowed to breed. I don't care how wealthy or educated you may be! I seriously think that it is time to impose some kind of regulation for procreation. I don't care how much it seems to go against human rights. If people can't show more sense than what I'm seeing lately, IT IS TIME!!! And that is the end of that rant.
Well, now for some fun stuff- The weekly preggo pictures!

*When is your due date? April 12, 2010- But I'm pretty sure I can't stretch anymore and the majority of people I've talked to agree. I will just fall over if I get much bigger.
*What week are you in? 32 weeks
*How much weight have you gained? Up 17lbs.- I'll be weighed again on Tuesday
*Do you know the gender of your baby? If so, what? A very active little girl
*Do you have a name picked out? What? Aiden Ryelle
*Maternity clothes? And some of the shirts are definitely getting shorter. That doesn't seem right.
*Stretch Marks? There isn't space for any more
*How are you feeling right about now? I want to do some scrapbooking!
*Have you felt the baby move? I've got to get out the video camera! Maybe tonight...
*Sleep habits? If I could sleep, there might be some habits.
*Any food cravings? I just want to eat everything!
*Anything you loved before that you absolutely cannot eat anymore? Nothing new
*Memorable Moment of the Week: Hmmm... still deciding between the blow out diapers or projectile vomiting from my lap... decisions decisions...
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