We had a great doctor's appointment this week! The doctors are extremely healthy with all of my vitals and weight gain. Yippee! Aiden's head is already down and the doctor thinks that it's pretty likely that it will stay there until D-Day. This is accounting for my poor ribs and internal organs getting the crap beat out of them. I've tried switching sides and pushing on her, but she is very reluctant to move once she is comfortable. At least we know that she is making progress and that is worth all of the pain in the world. Dan actually got to feel her head at the end of the appointment. After taking all of my measurements, the doctor found her head and had Dan come over and feel. It was pretty cool, though he looked a little taken back that he could feel a portion of his daughter even though she hasn't been born yet. We'll have a couple more visits every two weeks and then it will be one week intervals until she shows up! I can't wait!
Our Childbirth classes are finally over after 6 grueling and exhausting Wednesday evenings. I suppose the classes weren't difficult, but 13hr days are pretty rough. This past class was Baby Basics. Everyone at work was laughing at me when I told them that's the class we had this week (since I work in a nursery). I told them it was for Dan and they thought that was pretty cute. Speaking of which, Dan showed that he could burp, diaper, and swaddle like a champ! I couldn't have been more proud. He did an even better job swaddling than I did! Maybe he can take my place at BDLC once I'm gone for baby time!
That's about it in regards to the baby. We've got a lot of life stuff going on that's making stress a regular part of each day. Hopefully we will find someone to sublet our apartment tonight and then we should have our application approved at our new place by Monday. So then we can get moved over closer to Mommy and Daddy ASAP.
Dan is also looking very seriously for a new job. So please pray that he finds one, that we get all of this apartment stuff worked out and that I'm not affected too much by all of this stress in the mean time. We would definitely appreciate it.
Now for belly pictures!

*When is your due date? April 12, 2010- But I definitely think it will be a bit sooner
*What week are you in? 31 weeks
*How much weight have you gained? Up 17lbs.
*Do you know the gender of your baby? If so, what? A little girl who's geared and ready to go!
*Do you have a name picked out? What? Aiden Ryelle
*Maternity clothes? actually look normal on me... how weird
*Stretch Marks? No new ones I don't think, but they are still an awful sight!
*How are you feeling right about now? Ready to clean, pack and send out applications/resumes for Dan
*Have you felt the baby move? Well, we really just watch her move now. I need to video tape!
*Sleep habits? Well, I thought pillows helped, but now I'm not really sure...
*Any food cravings? I just want chocolate covered doughnuts. I know they are horrible for me, but I can't help it! Two boxes in two weeks. That is BAD!!!
*Anything you loved before that you absolutely cannot eat anymore? I had never tried them before, but miniolas are definitely off of my eating list. I tried a slice and nearly puked like a first trimester champ!
*Memorable Moment of the Week: Dan doing so well during the Baby Basics class. I couldn't be more proud of him!
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