Speaking of little Aiden, she has been quite the mischievous fetus lately. She is in the mode for exploring new territory previously unavailable- namely, my ribs! Can I express how much it hurts to have a baby in your ribs? Not really. It's a pain that won't go away, as much as you encourage it to do so. This is made all the more difficult when you have a very stubborn unknowing child creating them. She definitely lets me know when she is unhappy with something I'm doing. I am no longer at liberty to stand up for more than half an hour without taking a sitting break. I guess she is comfier being a molded and squished... Well, at least we'll never have to wonder whether or not she needs something. She will definitely tell us!
My Braxton Hicks contractions have also more frequent. I can usually tell when I'm having one now, which is nice. This gives me a chance to sit down and drink some water before they get too bad. If I don't, they get really uncomfortable. I had them for about 20+ minutes the other night. They lasted so long, I thought I was having preterm labor and started timing them. Fortunately they went away once I sat down and had some water. So nothing to worry about!
In other news: My fingers have now gotten too big for my wedding rings. I'm so sad, but I'm keeping them on a chain around my neck at all times. Maybe it's silly, but I really don't want to go into labor, forget them, and have the baby without them with me. I feel very naked without them on and I'm already going to be naked enough when we have this baby!
The kids at work are still very excited that I'm having a baby. Nearly every day I have one of them coming up to me to feel my belly, ask about her, or tell me what they know about babies (a lot of parents are pregnant with second babies right now). It's just so cute. One little girl came up to me the other day and said "You have a baby in there" (referring to my belly) "We can't see her. Just like we can't see mommy's baby. She's hiding. We'll get to see her when she's done." She was QUITE matter of fact. It was Super cute! I just love working with kids this age.
We had our second birthing class this past week. We finally started talking about more personal labor issues (medication and such) which is what I've really been interested in talking about. And as painful as I'm sure this whole thing is going to be, I think I'm going to take that rather than the giant needle being place between my vertebrae. Even Dan felt uncomfortable with that, and he doesn't have to have it done to him! I think we'll keep our options open, but at this point I'm saying no drugs unless I ask for them. I will use my breathing/focusing/relaxation techniques/positions and hope for the best. Who knows, maybe it will go relatively quickly (relative in this instance meaning 15hrs rather than 24+). I'm sure that it is a definite possibility that I may change my mind when my eyes are bulging out of my head from the pain, but maybe I can be a big girl and at least hold out for a while. Or maybe use an IV, still looking into that. I'm not really sure that I like that option better, considering some of the side effects. Any suggestions? I'd be happy to hear them!
Well, I guess I've rambled on enough. Time for some belly pictures!
It's getting SO big! I'm pretty sure I'll be bigger in the front than I am tall by the time Aiden gets here.

Finally put together an outfit that shows off the bump.
*When is your due date? April 12, 2010
*What week are you in? 27 weeks
*How much weight have you gained? Up 11lbs. Making up for lost time I guess! The doctors didn't say anything about it. So I guess that's fine. It's just hard to watch that scale go up and up.
*Do you know the gender of your baby? If so, what? A very mischievous little girl
*Do you have a name picked out? What? Aiden Ryelle
*Maternity clothes? Yes please!
*Stretch Marks? Hahaha... let's move on...
*How are you feeling right about now? slightly more energetic
*Have you felt the baby move? All the time. Especially when Daddy reads to her. She LOVES it!
*Sleep habits? Not so good. I keep waking up at about 3am or so. Whether or not I have to pee does not really seem to affect this.
*Any food cravings? I just want to eat. ALL THE TIME!
*Anything you loved before that you absolutely cannot eat anymore? Well, I'm not such a fan of pickles lately
*Memorable Moment of the Week: Hearing our good news! NO GESTATIONAL DIABETES!
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