We have had a really exciting week. Here are the awesome highlights:
Aiden is now big and strong enough to make my belly move. Yes. At 26 weeks, I can watch my belly move on its own and it is really, really weird. Although I love it, I kind of feel like one of the unfortunates in Alien that get implanted with alien embryos. I'm expecting something to pop out of me at any moment and start singing "Hello my baby. Hello my darling. Hello my ragtime gal..." (Spaceballs anyone?). Dan finally got to see it the other night and was TOTALLY shocked. It was so funny to see the look on his face. I just love watching him experience new pregnancy things. It's so much more shocking for him because it's a sudden change, rather than gradual like it is for me.
We also had our first pregnancy class this past week. We are taking our classes at Bloomington hospital, which is nice because they are inexpensive and it's where we are delivering. So we get to spend every Wednesday evening for the next six weeks in the baby portion of the hospital. I'm also hoping to get us set up to take an infant CPR course that is a brand new offering from Bloomington Hospital. I'm already certified (obviously, as I work with kids), but Dan isn't and I think it would be really good for him. He has been so nervous about everything that could go wrong that I'm pretty sure I'm the calm, relaxed, and level-headed of the two of us now. I was telling him about one of our babies having a fever at work the other day and he was SO freaked out. "What do you do if a baby gets a fever? Wrap them in cold blankets and take them to straight to the ER?" No, honey. Give them some tylenol. Call the doctor if it's high and make them an appointment if needed. It's really okay. It's just like an adult getting a fever, only you feel worse because babies are cuter, and therefore more pitiable (especially if it's your own). I love him. He will be such a good father, nervous and freaked out, but a good one. I think the CPR class will at least help him feel better about handling serious situations (that will hopefully never occur). Anyway... we talked about birthing basics during our class and started learning breathing techniques. I already knew all the stuff we talked about, but the breathing techniques surprised me. I don't think I'll be using them. They keep promoting breathing from your chest. Which goes against everything I've ever been taught. YOU BREATH FROM YOUR DIAPHRAGM YOU MORONS. NEVER BREATH FROM YOUR CHEST!!! Trust me. I have studied voice since the age of seven. You want to have oxygen and lots of it- BREATH FROM YOUR DIAPHRAGM!!!
On a final note: Family (You know who you are)- Please let me know about labor and delivery calls. If I don't hear from you, you will of course still get a delivery call. However, if you would also like a labor call, I need to know. I'm trying to get my calling tree all finished up. So please help me out with this.
Belly Pictures!

Finally chose an outfit that shows I have a belly.
Yes. I know. It's getting huge.
And the momma view
*When is your due date? April 12, 2010
*What week are you in? 26 weeks
*How much weight have you gained? I think I'm up +10 lbs (I just weighed myself the other day, but I have an appointment on Tuesday. So we'll see what they say).
*Do you know the gender of your baby? If so, what? A beautiful little girl! One of the women I work with is from Iran. She told me that, according to her country's beliefs, she can tell our daughter will be beautiful from the way I'm carrying the baby weight. How sweet is that!?!
*Do you have a name picked out? What? Aiden Ryelle
*Maternity clothes? Of course
*Stretch Marks?Stretch marks? What are those? Your mean my skin, right? It's one big stretch mark.
*How are you feeling right about now? Conscientious
*Have you felt the baby move? Felt her move, watched her move. It's pretty cool.
*Sleep habits? Well, if Caina would sleep, I think I would sleep better.
*Any food cravings? I've really wanted salad lately. And bagels with LOTS of cream cheese
*Anything you loved before that you absolutely cannot eat anymore? Just cucumbers
*Memorable Moment of the Week: Seeing my belly move on its own! Our first childbirth class!
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