This week has been a lot more of the same fun we've been having. We had another doctor's appointment this past Tuesday. It went perfectly fine. I've gained another pound. So the doctors are quite pleased. I'm measuring up well and Aiden's heartbeat is going strong. What I thought might be a lump, was just my chest being its now hormonal self (sorry if TMI). So that makes me feel better. Overall, we're looking good.
Dan's been going through the Shel Silverstein collection during our "reading to Aiden" time. Although we're hoping to instill a love of literature early, this will mostly likely also influence her to have a very cynical nature...Oh Shel Silverstein. How we love you.
She has definitely been active. The girls at work have had opportunities to feel the moving belly (which they were excited about). She has been moving so much lately that I almost feel exhausted from all of her activity. I know that doesn't really make sense, but I can't explain it otherwise. It's kind of tiring to have such an active little person inside of you. I can't wait to see what all of this movement turns into once she's out in the world (dancer? gymnast? or karate master? I suppose we will see...).
In other news, Dan and I are looking to sublease our apartment and either rent somewhere closer to mommy and daddy with a bit cheaper rent or purchase a small home (which is option #1). We've had a few nibbles on the subleasing front. Hopefully we will find a reliable person to hand over our apartment to soon. I think we may be going to look at some homes on Tuesday. Hopefully we will find a great little place and can get it checked out and moved into. I'm hoping we can get everything settled by March 1st. This would give us a month and a half to get everything all prepared for Aiden. Yay!
That's about it for this week. On to baby belly pictures:
Oh how I miss my feet...
Uck! Dirty mirror. Sorry.

Side shot. I can't believe how big my belly has gotten!
*When is your due date? April 12, 2010
*What week are you in? 29 weeks
*How much weight have you gained? Up 13lbs.
*Do you know the gender of your baby? If so, what? Who's thinking about gender? I've got a karate master. Top that!
*Do you have a name picked out? What? Aiden Ryelle
*Maternity clothes? Yay! Comfy!
*Stretch Marks? make me want to cry
*How are you feeling right about now? hungry
*Have you felt the baby move? Did I mention she's a karate master?
*Sleep habits? Ugh. I lay on my side, she settles into my ribs. I sleep on my back, I can't breathe. I lay on my stomach, and I wake up only to realize I was dreaming...
*Any food cravings? Rootbeer. I've restrained so far, but what's a healthy substitute for rootbeer?
*Anything you loved before that you absolutely cannot eat anymore? Just the afore mentioned foods.
*Memorable Moment of the Week: Being kicked so much it wore me out! How weird!