There are so many more than 27 reasons you are amazing. Love you, little brother!
If you're wondering what a "wisling" is, you've come to the right place. A "wisling", so named by my friend Lilly, is a beautiful bundle of joy that takes about nine months to incubate and 18 years to grow to physical maturity. As of this time we are unable to calculate the average date of emotional maturity, due to insufficient data collection.
Saturday, May 27, 2017
Sunday, May 21, 2017
Mother's Day
Mother's Day always reminds me how blessed I am. I feel like so many women should be honored and remembered on this day. Today I raise my glass to:

- My precious girls, two young women to be, whom I love more deeply than I ever thought possible
- My mother, who is the ultimate example of selflessness and gentleness
- My mother in law, mother to my wonderful husband and my reminder to better myself each day
- My Grandma, whose independence and spunk I hope to possess when I am older than I dare to admit I will be one day
- My Mima, proof that love is a worthy legacy
- Many friends who share their best and worst and all the in-between (and allow me the same in return)
Happy Mother's Day!
And to our annual nesting swallows: Happy Mother's Day!
Mother's Day,
outdoor fun
Thursday, May 11, 2017
Aidie's first ball game!
After massive amounts of water finally stopped landing on our little county, Aidie was able to have her first softball game. Let's just say: softball is way better than baseball around her when it comes to good sportsmanship, fair play, and opportunities all around. Aiden enjoyed playing catcher and hit a good grounder and made it in for a point. She was super excited to win her first game! Yay Aidie!
Sunday, May 7, 2017
School carnival
The school carnival is always lots of fun! Aiden was a good helper for my game running time. Then we had some game playing time (and pie in the face fun!).
Saturday, May 6, 2017
Poké-party Palooza
Aiden and Annie have birthdays exactly one month apart. While they are young, I plan to take full advantage of this and have joint birthday parties. They love each other so ridiculously much that they are looking forward to sharing all future birthday parties.

We love making themed food! The buckeye digglets and poke balls were great! The mucks didn't really work. The chocolate was too thick.
Rainy day parties need a little help. Bubbles brighten everyone's day!
The girls are all about balloons!
Piñata fun is a must. We've never bought a piñata before and apparently this is the pull string kind. We didn't realize and spent a lot of time bashing it.
Yum. Pokeball cupcakes!
The girls LOVE these calico critters. This is probably the best toy investment ever!
Chickedy Doo Dah
Spring means baby chicks and snuggles and smiling kids and extra love. Go out a kiss a baby animal. As my father in law always reminds me: kids need germs!
Jesus/bunny unity day
Jesus saves the day! Yay! Bunnies lay eggs and break into houses due to santa like tendencies. Yay?!? Holidays are strange. And awesome.
We plant jelly beans every year and, of course, they grow lovely lollies!
Annie was so proud and astounded. Sad we had to rush due to the oncoming storm (that may or may not have hit with a vengeance 10 minutes later)
Oh- and my beautiful brother. We don't take enough pictures together. Look at those eyes. Some perfect girl is going to fall right into those one day and never climb out.
Mushroom hunting
I usually object to tree infested fun since I'm allergic to everything that grows. However, I've been surprisingly less sneezy of late. So Dan and I went looking for some fungus. Thank goodness the girls had better luck with the grandparents. We found a grand total of two. So I looked for other great things.
For example- this log we are sitting on. Yes. I know you can't see it, but it was fabulous. It actually looks like a bench, but it's a tree. Amazing.
There was also this tree growing from two ends
An old nest
And oh, so many butterflies!
Tuesday, May 2, 2017
Good Friday! Great Friday!
We should probably just say it: Good Friday is an amazing day to remember how truly blessed we are for the gift of life. These girls definitely know how to live!
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